Just In
for Living with the Uncertainty

2/8 c70 Guest
I binged this story and finished it in 4 days, it was THAT GOOD! You’re an incredible writer! And the best part is that I don’t have to wait for a sequel! I’m going to go start on it right now! Thank you so much for writing this and sharing!
1/16 c70 4xxxliesjee
I loved the story. A lot. Thank you
1/8 c70 BCod87
AMAAAAAAZZZZZZING! I absolutely love your story. Several times I had to question if a scene from your story was actually cannon. Your writing is that good. I can’t wait to start the sequel.

Your Hurt/Comfort theme reminds me of Kurinoone’s Dark Prince Trilogy. If you haven’t read it yet, you should check it out. First story is called The Darkness Within.
12/25/2024 c24 TessaVowell
I have never hated Snape so much, brilliantly done.
12/9/2024 c70 hannah davies2
Absolutely brilliant I’ve cried I’ve laughed and definitely loved this
11/30/2024 c1 bladefax
Late comer to the story. Very captivating and well written. Look foward to more from you soon.
11/28/2024 c19 2kcoheartsboba
As much as I like this rollercoaster, Im a little peeved that Harry is such a pushover. He could have easily left or picked someone other than Bill. The way he is found is quite lackluster.
11/17/2024 c70 1Mila23
Wow this was amazing to read cant wait for the second book. I didn’t even notice it was so long I liked it so much. I was speed reading it only took me 3 day thats how mutch i loved it.
11/14/2024 c70 asjblackthorne
I just binge read this in less than a week and now I'm dying for more! Hopefully the sequel is out soon.
11/14/2024 c70 4shadowed warrior
This is an amazingly compelling story and I'm looking forward to the sequel.

I'll confess I'm hoping for a somewhat HEA ending, though maybe realistically a hopeful ever after since the issues in the story would never be resolved so simply.
11/7/2024 c70 PrincessM96
I devoured this story over the last few days. I couldn’t put it down! I can’t wait for the sequel! I’m so excited for more. I have my fingers crossed that everything is going well for you and that your muse will let you post soon!
11/3/2024 c70 8outof10
Beyond loved this story and every character! I literally just signed up to so that I could favorite this story and follow you! Really hope there will be a sequel
9/29/2024 c70 Estelia
I added the playlist thank you very much ;)
I'll be waiting for the next part, but as usual take all the time you need !
You have done an incredible work, the story is amazing filled with emotions and feelings so strong, so powerful that they sometimes blocked my throat :')
Be proud, you deserve it.
Until next time :)
9/27/2024 c70 Kelly789
I am... in LOVE with this story. I truly cannot wait to see what you do next. I am fully rooting for Drarry and look forward to what the slytherins will get up to. Thank you!
9/27/2024 c70 Wren22
Thanks for a wonderful story, jam-packed with emotional punches! An interesting final chapter which lays the groundwork for the development of Harry’s relationships at Hogwarts. The adults in his life still have so much stepping up to do. I look forward to seeing where you take us next.
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