Just In
for Afterglow

12/30/2024 c24 london spam
I love how this story ends for Bella and Edward. From grief to love to family and career... it was sweet and absolutely lovely.

I noticed you've pulled many of your stories that I've enjoyed so much over the years. I hope you choose to repost someday as you have with this one. It allows new readers to connect over the material and, hopefully, to positively engage with and encourage you.
12/30/2024 c23 london spam
So beautiful, all of it!
12/29/2024 c22 london spam
It couldn't have been Edward, could it?!
12/29/2024 c21 london spam
12/29/2024 c20 london spam
I don't even know what to say... it's awesome!
12/29/2024 c19 london spam
I really hope Jane gets what she deserves, but I love that Bella definitely will!
12/29/2024 c18 london spam
I love Alice. I love Bella/Edward banter. I love how Edward is down to do whatever to support Bella.
12/29/2024 c17 london spam
This turned into an emotional rollercoaster so fast!
12/29/2024 c16 london spam
Jane is an absolute bitch! No wonder she was quiet. Well, she's done Bella a massive favor!
12/29/2024 c14 london spam
I love how quickly he sprung into action about reading her work and giving an honest opinion.
12/29/2024 c13 london spam
Love their vulnerability and naked honesty.
12/29/2024 c12 london spam
OMG, Alice, all the way to the end!
12/29/2024 c11 london spam
It was an epic cockblock, but Bella salvaged it!
12/29/2024 c10 london spam
Garrett really is a tool! WTF?!
12/29/2024 c9 london spam
I love them opening up to each other, physically and emotionally.
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