Just In
for Will of embers (HiruzenSi)

10h c33 Tohka123
Enjoying the story, keep up the hard work
17h c34 Terracotta Tortilla
A parry? Time for Hiruzen to git gud.

Good chapter, hope to see if a riposte is included.
23h c34 Hadrian.Caeser
2/15 c34 1Nai Darkor
That means the next one must be great.
2/14 c32 LordNimmu
rewards.. what are they?
2/14 c34 nightowlinlove88
I hope this won't make Hyuga clan switched their canon fate with the Uchiha because of their jealousy. I hope both of them can be saved. Thanks for the update!
2/14 c33 4Chronosign
You keep using the word Quilt instead of Guilt
2/14 c32 Chronosign
You misspelled Fugaku and called him FAGaku
2/14 c34 2merendinoemiliano
Well built introspection as Always, curious to see Naruto and Hinata's First meeting
2/13 c32 SonicTundra
Honestly i sometimes forget he even has a system lol
2/13 c34 7RedHood001
SI!Hiruzen tried to keep the peace and actually accomplished to satisfy people who were suspicious of outsiders for understandable reasons. And unbeknownst to him, Orochimaru's going to cover Konoha's back from outside forces as well, so it's going to work out... bafflingly and hilariously so.
2/13 c34 M2R
2/13 c34 NonlinearWriter
I always love this fic for the great dual POV you give from the SI and the various Naruto characters. Hiashi just being another one caught in the usual ninja way of thinking that SI's true motives would never be considered.
That he still has guilt about what he thinks he'll have to do to his nephew and eventually a daughter, means more fertile ground for a possible revolution against the elders' slavery system. Good riddance.
The SI's thought process continues to make me laugh with how he feels he is always blundering around and trying not to get caught with everyone else around him are freaking out trying to understand the plans that are too complex for them to fully grasp.

Thanks so much for the update, can't wait for the next one and hope you're staying safe.
2/13 c32 myafroatemydog
Good chap
2/13 c30 myafroatemydog
Good chapter
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