Just In
for The Eternal Battle of Sorcery

1/15 c1 1Nico7FSociety
1/15 c1 manuel06041995
I don't know why but something tells me that the new curse is Harry.
1/2 c1 Aurealin
Ive never followed so fast on a story with no summary. Like im a picky motherfucker and this shit? I hit follow so fast bro
12/31/2023 c1 Kabuto S. Inferno
Well, well. Gotta say, I'm pretty damn interested in seeing where this goes. Already has a lot of potential; hell, the premise itself is already eye-catching. Especially the usage of time in relation to the timelines of JJK and Harry Potter. Though it does make me wonder how arcs/books from later on will trickle over to canon events.

I'm curious to find out. I'm definitively keeping my eye on this!
12/30/2023 c1 Coach Blahk
You had my interest; now you have my attention. Never hit a follow button so fast.
12/30/2023 c1 7Axel771
Well, merry delayed Christmas to me! Since I caught up to the manga (after a certain spoiler...) I've been craving JJk content in fics.
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