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for Is This The Worst Time To Kiss You? - Full Story

11/3/2024 c78 readicted
Oh Alice still with a barn wire tongue I see. I do wonder how often she must have to spend at the gravesite publicly mourning for her UN-dead brother? I guess Major and Edward weren't the only actors in the family. What a life.
11/3/2024 c85 lillianolivia.white
This was wonderful. I loved it. Bella was very brave and it paid off. Maybe the man Edward helps around the house would help them finda cottage?
11/3/2024 c85 iluvwm
Soooooo gooooood! thank you!
11/3/2024 c85 girlygirl0706
Finally! They are together at last. Amazing story...truly amazing. I can't believe it's almost over.

11/3/2024 c85 biblepam
11/3/2024 c85 7Lizzie Paige
Made my eyes leaky! This was freaking perfect. And I’m sure this is one of the best Jessica’s I’ve read, we all need a bestie like her! :) xx
11/3/2024 c84 Lizzie Paige
This Alice! I’m never sure whether she needs a good slapping or a tight hug! LOL
11/3/2024 c85 trisha63
Finally! Oh what a chapter update this has been too! If you look up the definition of a true friend, Jessica's name will be listed as she has always been there for Bella and then for Tommy, as well. There are worse things then leaving on a beautiful, sun swept, tropical island, so I'd say no matter where you actually live would be wonderful. Take care, Trisha :}
11/3/2024 c85 IsabellaSwan6
It's so so satisfying and healing hearts.
5-6 chapters more please of how they're living daily routine. Any number of chapters will make me happy but they should be more. However long the agonizing chapters were, happier and calming chapters should be there too.
11/3/2024 c85 Rita01tx
Blubberin' too much to comment *snotsob!*
11/3/2024 c85 nothing2Me
I love this! (:
11/3/2024 c84 Rita01tx
Well, bless Alice for her perseverance...and for droppin' that clue!
11/3/2024 c85 24Maplestyle
Love as always!
11/3/2024 c85 2muchtrouble
That was wonderful.
11/3/2024 c85 julypetunia
i could kiss you for this chapter
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