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for Is This The Worst Time To Kiss You? - Full Story

12/11/2024 c46 ChrisDGoosey
WOW! That puts things in a different perspective.
12/11/2024 c45 ChrisDGoosey
Oh Bella! What are you doing?
12/11/2024 c44 ChrisDGoosey
Can’t wait to learn what game Jasper has been playing
12/11/2024 c43 ChrisDGoosey
Dangerous game, Bella. Dangerous game
12/11/2024 c42 ChrisDGoosey
Oh dear, Bella!
12/11/2024 c40 ChrisDGoosey
OMG! Didn’t see that coming.
12/10/2024 c6 ChrisDGoosey
Okay, so now I am truly confused but that is a common problem with me. Your writing just draws me in. Great stuff
11/24/2024 c86 saintfudge
Tears as it’s over ..I want more .. I waited for complete so I could binge it .. thanks for sharing..have fun
11/20/2024 c1 Untidy Creature
What an adventure. Loved it. And congrats on the ending of a long writing project!
11/18/2024 c86 kneon
greatinteresting mob story. thank you for sharing
11/16/2024 c86 1antiquelilium
Amazing, im so glad you finished this. Its everything. I hope you mean moving onto something new and not giving up on writing! You’re my all time favourite author and i look forward to all of your stories
11/16/2024 c86 masenobsessed
It was beautiful. Thank you for this and all your stories. I hope you bless us with another story. And poor Alice, I didn't even think about her sons continuing on with it. Perfect ending. He always knew, lol.
11/15/2024 c86 Jenycullen
Wow. I am running on 4 hours of sleep after staying up until 3am to finish this, I just couldn’t put it down. So many emotions, this one will stay with me for a while and I have a feeling I will be re reading it again once I recover. Truly an amazing job, thank you for sharing your talent with us!
11/14/2024 c40 Jenycullen
Oh. My. God.
11/13/2024 c86 Allear
Thank you! I absolutely loved this story! As I perceived it, it was close to magic realism, and I was absolutely captivated. The writing was amazing! Generally, I'm a bit wary about ANs explaining too much, but in this case, I was grateful for those few you provided. It was just enough and added to the understanding and didn't spoil anything.

I hope that things work out for you IRL with your job and everything.

When you reposted this story, I decided to wait reading it until it was finished, and I'm very glad that I did, so I could binge-read it. It was so worth the wait.
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