11/13/2024 c86 Monnie
I absolutely love love love this story. It was such a beautiful and heartbreaking ride. I wish it would never end. Please write the second chapter of their life so I can enjoy it again. Thank you for sharing it with us.
I absolutely love love love this story. It was such a beautiful and heartbreaking ride. I wish it would never end. Please write the second chapter of their life so I can enjoy it again. Thank you for sharing it with us.
11/12/2024 c86 banshee69
I think this chapter is my favorite. Thank you for sharing such an amazing story. I absolutely love they finally got their happy ever after.
I think this chapter is my favorite. Thank you for sharing such an amazing story. I absolutely love they finally got their happy ever after.
11/11/2024 c86
4Pa Trizia 88
Sigh...what a satisfying ending you gave us. I love every scene, every moment of them moving towards each other. Perfect.
Thank you for another captivating, addictive ride with your irresistible characters and intense plot. This story was everything.
I'm greedily awaiting your next brilliant brain babies...cause I'm still hung over from leaving these guys and needing my next fix! Xoxoxo
Thank you, chica! Luv you

Sigh...what a satisfying ending you gave us. I love every scene, every moment of them moving towards each other. Perfect.
Thank you for another captivating, addictive ride with your irresistible characters and intense plot. This story was everything.
I'm greedily awaiting your next brilliant brain babies...cause I'm still hung over from leaving these guys and needing my next fix! Xoxoxo
Thank you, chica! Luv you
11/11/2024 c86 readicted
What can I say...I've been so down, so stressed-just life. This epilogue, this final cap on the epilogue is everything. I just finished it, and had to sit still and just let it marinate through me. Just be quiet and relish in their hard-fought-for happiness. It's more than an HEA, it's a fullness of contentment. A satisfaction that runs core deep. An appreciation of even the chaotic or mundane because Edward and Bella almost lost it all, more than once. They don't take their happiness, their freedom, their life, their family, their love for granted. My favorite line is when Edward tells Bella he knew, he always knew that she loved him. I really love that Edward is a hard working provider. And that Bella works as a copywriter. Also a photographer and a copywriter. Complimentary professions. Jesus was the best of friends, true, loyal, supportive and honest. She held Bella down when she needed it and pushed her when she was stuck. Seems like she did most of the heavy lifting in that relationship, but she did it selflessly because she was a true friend. I'm glad Edward apologized to Jess. Of course that doesn't make up for what he and his family put her and her father through, but nonetheless it was genuine remorse and she was big enough to tell him as long as he took care of Bella and Tommy, they were good. Sad if she and Bella never speak again, but she can be at peace knowing that Bella, Tommy and Edward are together and happy. So devastating that Alice's boys gave fallen under the influence of their uncle, despite her best efforts. She deserved a life apart from that mess. I'm sorry for her. But, the Cullen family legacy continues through her boys. I hope that she never ever reveals anything she knows about Sam Masen and Bella and her nephew. She knows Tommy's name. She knows what island they are on. In my head it dies with her. And I hope the "Masen" children never learn of their heritage. Thank you for Shari g your story. Thank you, thank you, thank you for seeing it through to the end. Thank you for your time.
What can I say...I've been so down, so stressed-just life. This epilogue, this final cap on the epilogue is everything. I just finished it, and had to sit still and just let it marinate through me. Just be quiet and relish in their hard-fought-for happiness. It's more than an HEA, it's a fullness of contentment. A satisfaction that runs core deep. An appreciation of even the chaotic or mundane because Edward and Bella almost lost it all, more than once. They don't take their happiness, their freedom, their life, their family, their love for granted. My favorite line is when Edward tells Bella he knew, he always knew that she loved him. I really love that Edward is a hard working provider. And that Bella works as a copywriter. Also a photographer and a copywriter. Complimentary professions. Jesus was the best of friends, true, loyal, supportive and honest. She held Bella down when she needed it and pushed her when she was stuck. Seems like she did most of the heavy lifting in that relationship, but she did it selflessly because she was a true friend. I'm glad Edward apologized to Jess. Of course that doesn't make up for what he and his family put her and her father through, but nonetheless it was genuine remorse and she was big enough to tell him as long as he took care of Bella and Tommy, they were good. Sad if she and Bella never speak again, but she can be at peace knowing that Bella, Tommy and Edward are together and happy. So devastating that Alice's boys gave fallen under the influence of their uncle, despite her best efforts. She deserved a life apart from that mess. I'm sorry for her. But, the Cullen family legacy continues through her boys. I hope that she never ever reveals anything she knows about Sam Masen and Bella and her nephew. She knows Tommy's name. She knows what island they are on. In my head it dies with her. And I hope the "Masen" children never learn of their heritage. Thank you for Shari g your story. Thank you, thank you, thank you for seeing it through to the end. Thank you for your time.
11/11/2024 c86 midnitereader
They've made a life together. Things Edward never thought he would get or deserved he's finally accepted are his. A woman he loves and a family. A career taking photos wherever he goes. Happiness away from the life he was forced into. It's too bad Alice couldn't escape it. Her sons are involved, Jasper running the game from his jail cell, in control now that the main characters are dead.
They've made a life together. Things Edward never thought he would get or deserved he's finally accepted are his. A woman he loves and a family. A career taking photos wherever he goes. Happiness away from the life he was forced into. It's too bad Alice couldn't escape it. Her sons are involved, Jasper running the game from his jail cell, in control now that the main characters are dead.
11/11/2024 c86 AnaTwiLover
Thank you for this gem. It’s been a long road and I’ve been there from the very beginning. Super excited when you remastered and posted again. Excellent job and this will always be one of my ultimate favourites!
Thank you for this gem. It’s been a long road and I’ve been there from the very beginning. Super excited when you remastered and posted again. Excellent job and this will always be one of my ultimate favourites!