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for Is This The Worst Time To Kiss You? - Full Story

11/11/2024 c8 debb lavoie
Oh my! Her mom was killed by The Family. Wonder why...
11/11/2024 c7 debb lavoie
So intrigued, why she didn't remember.
11/11/2024 c86 sherylb
SO Happy that they are together and have their HEA!
11/11/2024 c6 debb lavoie
Wow, a deep story, love that!
11/11/2024 c86 Mhyrne01
Loved it. Wrth the wait.
11/11/2024 c86 Rosemarie28
11/11/2024 c86 biblepam
Thank you so very much for sharing your fic. I've loved it even when I wanted to beat your characters to a pulp, lol. You did an outstanding job with this, girlie. Congrats and give yourself a good pat on the back.
11/11/2024 c86 Jay201
One of my all time favorites! Thank you so much for finishing and it truly was an amazing story! From beginning to the very end…a masterpiece <3
11/11/2024 c86 trisha63
This story ended in pure perfection! Congratulations on a job well done! Edward and Bella finally got to have their happily ever after with their three little sweeties in an island paradise. No past, only a present and a future, what else could you ask for other than if it was the worst time to kiss you! ;) Take care and I so look forward to whatever new story you are working on, Trisha :}
11/11/2024 c86 Lore562
Loved it so mUch!

Thank u from Peru
11/11/2024 c86 gracie7236
Thank you! What a tragic wondeful ride. This one will stick with me for years. Please dont atop writing. You are incredibly talented.
11/11/2024 c5 debb lavoie
Wonder why he lost it so bad...
11/11/2024 c86 Gaby-wotnow
Perfect ending. Beautifully written. Thank you
11/11/2024 c86 BurchGirl
Perfect ending. I was sad to hear the Uncle Jasper got to Alice’s sons. If anyone should have walked away and never bring anyone else into it, that was him. Great story!
11/11/2024 c86 kristysmom
Thank you for sharing this wonderful adventure with me I loved it
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