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for Waking into a Dream

2/7 c7 Curmudgeon
Not tagging your AI use is unethical in the extreme

Far worse than trying to smut-scam traffic for your Facebook

Seriously people fan fiction is supposed to be for fun not… whatever the fuck this is
2/7 c6 Guest
AI all over the place
2/7 c5 Guest
AI garbage
2/7 c4 Guest
Garbage AI
2/7 c3 Guest
Clearly anAI production
2/7 c2 Guest
AI obviously
2/7 c1 Guest
AI trash
2/2 c7 Blackholelord
I decided to read to the end. It was over the top OP. Got no issues with a strong Harry Potter or a strong SI character, but you gave it more plot armor than a main battle tank has in terms of armor because of how you linked everything one after another after another. Using that magic device to recall memories he might had forgotten about the Stargate SG-1 TV series, but you made it way to easy.

The time travel bit is a bit much, I would be aligned being accidentally thrown back in time, over constantly travel through time.

I will point that I ignored the over the top OP stuff, because I was struggling to get past the third chapter.

Overall, I liked the plot idea, but how it came out felt off that gave a lazy feel to it.
2/2 c3 Blackholelord
This has to be one of the cringey story I have ever seen. Insert as Harry Potter. No issue. Include Stargate is no issue. The issue is how quickly you are basically making this story go. There is not thickness to the story plot, which leave it looking lazy and cheap.
1/19 c2 Guest
Your harry is like 50 years old at this point pretending to be a child so he can have sex with Hermione when she is older... Gross
1/19 c1 Guest
Your harry is kinda stalker creepy...
1/10 c2 19Jabari the Goat Sage
Bro I HATE when MCs admit that they’re from a world where the current universe they’re in is from fiction. Damn near ruins the entire fic.
12/17/2024 c1 2SixFtWookie
As someone who uses Text-To-Speech programs to read most fics, having most paragraphs broken up by long strings of letters is incredibly frustrating and annoying. I recommend using TTS when editing your fics, as not only do you hear what some of your readers will, it also highlights misspelled words or incorrect words that your spellcheck may have inserted against your wishes.
10/17/2024 c7 Outlook43
Great story thank you for sharing it
8/24/2024 c1 AnnieMiller
Could you please stop putting the break lines in your stories? Its very annoying when using text to speech.
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