Just In
for Duplicity

9/23/2024 c3 jcena'sgirl557744
Are you going to finish this?
7/14/2024 c3 Guest
More please
6/26/2024 c3 25Elenimou
Long lunch break. Time to get back to Exposing Edward.
6/20/2024 c3 Guest
Interesting story but it's going really slow, only 3 chapters since January
6/17/2024 c3 Guest
Looking forward to more chapters.
6/3/2024 c3 Guest
Great update. Please keep them coming. Can’t wait for him to go down
5/24/2024 c3 shoegirl01
Go Steph! Edward doesn’t stand a chance against team Lester and Steph
5/23/2024 c3 dizzlydee
oh your going down down down hehehehe.. a dog with a bone for information is steph and i don't even feel sorry about it, i'm so giddt. woof.. great chapter.
5/22/2024 c3 64susan55
I'm loving this can't wait for an update.
5/22/2024 c3 Redickave
I really this story. Can’t wait to see if Edward puts both feet in his mouth.
5/22/2024 c3 JB
A plan in place. Between Steph and Les I'm sure they will find out all they need from Edward plus some. Excellent chapter, so happy to see more of the story. Thanks for sharing, look forward to what happens next. JB.
5/22/2024 c3 2trhodes9
Chatty indeed!
5/22/2024 c3 BristolsMom
I’m loving this. Great first chapters. Can’t wait for more!
5/22/2024 c3 GarbanzoBeans
Thanks fr updating. This is going to be fun for everyone, well not Edward.
5/22/2024 c3 ChristinaS
I'm so happy to see another chapter. I almost (maybe) feel sorry for Edward... Na! Nope!
Can't wait for the next chapter, please.
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