Just In
for Xia

2/4 c26 Guest
Am wondering if author watched a single wuxia film in their life.

Or played Sifu.

This is a war/political intrigue story, not a xia story.

Xia stories are simple, esp. with RWBY's amount of characters. Three chapters dealing with one enemy: encounter, preparation, beatdown. Rinse and repeat.

There's a lot more fighting and a lot less war is hell, full metal apocalypse now bs.

Wimp Man is the typical vacillating, pontificating, verbose, self-insert Jaune that the author's obsessed with writing for the past decade.

If this is your first Coeur work, great.

If not, move on.
2/5 c1 yrlastin
Are you sure the old man isn't named Shuin?
2/3 c25 starfett13
interesting chapter, I'm looking forward to more of this and the dream jaune one.
2/1 c26 Guest
Never Trust and Respect Nation that is Allied with Terrorists.

Meangrie Might Get Destroyed when Atlas Feel like there is no choice.

Actions have consequences and there should be some realism whencountry or a nation Deal with the consequences of their actions.

How many soldiers is atlas is going to sacrifice?
1/31 c26 Guest
So far we have been seeing victories on Menagerie’s side, they are fierce and strong. Things are not looking so good for them. I just hope they don’t make Weiss as their war crime and torture her to humiliate SDC. Jaune as a solo Wu Xia and still under self training really can’t do much to prevent the war further on either sides.
1/30 c26 Guest
Somehow I have a feeling Blake will be pardon because is not really her doing, she simply a figure who following others’ plans just like Samson’s. Adam and Sun being super loyal to her will do anything for their young leader.
1/30 c26 Guest
Maybe Jaune should show Weiss some techniques to defend herself. Either side will torture her when they catch her. It will be interesting to see the fight between Blake and Jaune, unless Raven gets there first. Jaune should consider hiding the scrolls away instead of carrying them with him, if Blake finds out she will want a very large chunk of them too.
1/29 c26 Guest
This is getting increasingly bloated. With AI especially, there is no need for it to be so. It should not require one million words to tell the sort of stories you do. Were you genuine about wanting to improve with each fic or not?
1/29 c26 Guest
I wonder what their demands are and how much Atlas has twisted them before getting to its civilians.
1/29 c26 Guest
I thought Raven is insane but Blake is equivalent type worst to mass slaughtering. Instead of targeting those who killed and tortured her agents she simply wiped out the village including bad children. Her agents probably killed many too. The mode from her, lieutenant Samson including Wukong were almost enjoyment and proud of battles, they were trained for this war. I get that they are winning and be fun to take a romp behind enemy lines and strategies unfold. Is very sad, families of both sides will grieve their loves who perished. I don’t see how this story be good ending, it’ll be war for many years.
1/31 c26 iChaos
That was legitimately ominous, and Blake is actually kind of scary. Jaune might be able to survive what happens next, but Weiss may not be so fortunate.
1/29 c26 Guest
It only gets worse and more frightful with each passing. Menagerie isn’t heading for victory path, is path to ultimate destruction, more deaths and miseries than triumphs. I guess is not much longer when Atlas has answer for large scale demolition strikes, be like unstoppable battles and more vengeances. Salem is better off sit back and watch, and then she will just clear the remaining Remnant later. Uhuh I am assuming Ozpin’s circle is still active, like Qrow is around gathering intelligence.
Star is better off away from them. It may not be what Weiss have been marked by tops. Is best for Star to be away from her bloody club, I feel bad for Weiss, her chance is not good at all. Jaune can shelter her but there will be limit, their opponents are too strong and many, in no time they will catch up to them.
Is interesting to see how the war started. Is really put a few things off when Menagerie has trained and prepared for years to this point.
I really like this work and why is this not one of the weekly updates? Hah! One can only wish. This is really good. I look forward to next and thanks for the chapter.
1/29 c1 ForumLurker
So why isn't there an Atlas battleship hovering above the battlefield and blasting lasers down on faunus troops? Doesn't Atlas have at least a dozen over thrm?
1/29 c26 NetLurker
Meh, needs more Wuxia. Jaune feels like he is standing still skill wise. I could care less about the war. Someone start a damn fight so we can have just alittle mortal kombat.
1/28 c26 Guest
Blake: (comes up with a plan to keep Vale to terrified of an invasion to do anything)
Also Blake: (calls Vale cowards for doing what she wanted... and justifies killing children

If there's a Coeur version of Blake that deserved to die, it's this one. But I bet she somehow is going get redemption and learn her lesson...
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