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for A Nundu for A Pet

1/27 c24 2Anya Kristen
Next step: Harry litteraly sings songs to do magic xDDD
1/27 c24 AnimeFan13579
Talks of other pure bloods taking an interest due to what Harry did would probably also include Daphne Greengrass. Her sister Astoria actually has a blood borne curse that's been in their family for generations. So she's one of the one's that would be curious about Harry and Itisa at least somewhat helping Anna.

On the matter of Harry experimenting with voice magic and frequencies. Get the idea he could actually potentially use that ability to cure things that have had no known cure till now. If it's magic based he would simply have to find the frequency of the affliction first then work from there.
1/27 c24 jkarr
this is a nice chapter
1/27 c24 wiam-s
What happened to Professor Sprout?
1/27 c24 Maverick123214685
Why are you calling Professor Sprout, Professor Garlick?
1/27 c1 arisu freedomstrikes
Hello Dear,

I hope this message finds you well!

I recently had the chance to read your story "A Nundu for A Pet" and I was completely captivated. Your narrative is so engaging that I could instantly envision it as a breathtaking comic or animation.

My name is James, and I’m a professional artist specializing in comics, manga, character design, and animation. I work exclusively on a commission basis, providing high-quality, custom artwork that brings creative visions to life.

If you’re interested in commissioning (Paid) a project to turn your story into a visually stunning piece of art, I’d love to discuss the details. You can reach me through any of the following platforms:

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Thank you for considering my services. I look forward to the possibility of creating something extraordinary together!

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1/27 c24 Mr.BrownOptometrist
Thank you for the great chapter, and keep up the awesome work
1/27 c23 33Imperial-samaB
Quite the chapter
1/27 c24 3WhiteElfElder
Bringing humor, instead of humiliation, is always a grand thing to aspire to.
1/27 c23 Fast Frank
Excellent chapter, with an epic vow.
1/27 c23 cameron1812
Powerful enotions in this chapter. Thank you. Love the convos between Harry and Itisa
1/27 c22 cameron1812
What a great chapter! The forest scene is the best!
1/27 c23 P10ter25
Love it!
1/26 c23 naruto
great chapter keep it up
1/26 c6 14Power of Magic
Yea, I kinda imagined that Harry would've reacted like that after learning the truth (I would've reacted like that too, if the samething had happened to me) and it looks like Dumbledore knows about Itisa now, which makes me wonder, what'll happen now and if the Ministry will try and either take Itisa away or kill her when they learn of her. If someone did leave Itisa for Harry to find, I wonder who could've done it
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