3/9/2024 c2 Mark1
Interesting story. Pairings: Harry/Fleur, Ravenclaw Harry
Interesting story. Pairings: Harry/Fleur, Ravenclaw Harry
3/9/2024 c2 Guest
Hmm... This Harry seems much more cunning and vicious than canon, though not without good reason and not without cause. Naturally, the best place for him would be Slytherin...but the BEST best place for him would be hiding in plain sight. Hufflepuff, if at all possible; he's certainly loyal to Itisa, and likely to anyone else who can prove he can trust them. Hiding in the Badger's Set would help him to fly WAY the heck under the radar, and isn't that the most Slytherin thing to do~?
Hmm... This Harry seems much more cunning and vicious than canon, though not without good reason and not without cause. Naturally, the best place for him would be Slytherin...but the BEST best place for him would be hiding in plain sight. Hufflepuff, if at all possible; he's certainly loyal to Itisa, and likely to anyone else who can prove he can trust them. Hiding in the Badger's Set would help him to fly WAY the heck under the radar, and isn't that the most Slytherin thing to do~?
3/9/2024 c2 Shisui34
Your Harry should go to Ravenclaw, or hufflepuff, because so far he has shown an interest in learning and is inquisitive. I honestly think he would have a blast in hufflepuff and might be treated better than in gryffindor.
Your Harry should go to Ravenclaw, or hufflepuff, because so far he has shown an interest in learning and is inquisitive. I honestly think he would have a blast in hufflepuff and might be treated better than in gryffindor.
3/9/2024 c2
8Radomir's Renegades
I’d probably go with Hufflepuff if you’re aiming for a more hard working Harry, or Ravenclaw as a balance between his Gryffindor and Slytherin tendencies.

I’d probably go with Hufflepuff if you’re aiming for a more hard working Harry, or Ravenclaw as a balance between his Gryffindor and Slytherin tendencies.
3/9/2024 c2
1Umbra Lycan
i love Harry's interactions with itisa, will she end up being his familiar? keep up the great work

i love Harry's interactions with itisa, will she end up being his familiar? keep up the great work
3/9/2024 c2 NiebieskiLis
So happy to see new chapter. As for house Gryffindor and hooe Daphne joins Hermione os the only sane girls in girls dorms
So happy to see new chapter. As for house Gryffindor and hooe Daphne joins Hermione os the only sane girls in girls dorms
3/9/2024 c2 Fox Sage 1
You need to update this story faster and more frequently.
Also, who is Harry going to be paired with?
You need to update this story faster and more frequently.
Also, who is Harry going to be paired with?
3/9/2024 c2 Brightstone Keep
Ticks. Are. Not. A. Synonym. For. Spikes/Spines/Barbs. Literally anywhere.
As a noun they are either a bloodsucking bug or a bloody check mark (British).
Ticks. Are. Not. A. Synonym. For. Spikes/Spines/Barbs. Literally anywhere.
As a noun they are either a bloodsucking bug or a bloody check mark (British).
3/9/2024 c2 Djangiti
if he's gonna be learning about all creatures like newt rather than perhaps a hufflepuff, he'll also be able to meet tonks first
if he's gonna be learning about all creatures like newt rather than perhaps a hufflepuff, he'll also be able to meet tonks first
3/9/2024 c2 WOLF-GOST
hmmn greens out red doesn't seem to suit this harry it's between blue and yellow
hmmn greens out red doesn't seem to suit this harry it's between blue and yellow