12/16/2024 c4 hammelbroden
Great to see this updated! Also like how you brought up splinter organizations of magi beyond Atlas and the Clocktower. I saw that Fate Grand Order reference.
Great to see this updated! Also like how you brought up splinter organizations of magi beyond Atlas and the Clocktower. I saw that Fate Grand Order reference.
11/8/2024 c1
Love the storyThe Symbiote Hero. Just followed the writer and story.

Love the storyThe Symbiote Hero. Just followed the writer and story.
5/21/2024 c3 NarveraG
Pretty good but oh man... The story felt shorter than it really is. The story is good, just maybe find a beta for the grammar.
Pretty good but oh man... The story felt shorter than it really is. The story is good, just maybe find a beta for the grammar.
2/8/2024 c2 uneform9
Thanks for another great chapter. While reading this chapter I had a scary thought. Can't shirou with the help of his symbiote and Avalon make nerve circuits in a safer and more efficient way?. While they may never have the same quality as a Normal circuit they'd be some good one time use back up for that extra Oompf. Like a very veeeeery shitty mana burst
Thanks for another great chapter. While reading this chapter I had a scary thought. Can't shirou with the help of his symbiote and Avalon make nerve circuits in a safer and more efficient way?. While they may never have the same quality as a Normal circuit they'd be some good one time use back up for that extra Oompf. Like a very veeeeery shitty mana burst
1/23/2024 c1 Guest
Ignore the previous post. I hope that you use information gathered from marvel Spider-Man 2 game since it was epic. Also the symbiotes in that game universe was resistant to fire but still vulnerable to high frequency sounds. Plus I love the agent venom armor appearance.
Ignore the previous post. I hope that you use information gathered from marvel Spider-Man 2 game since it was epic. Also the symbiotes in that game universe was resistant to fire but still vulnerable to high frequency sounds. Plus I love the agent venom armor appearance.
1/23/2024 c1 Guest
I am loving this but I think you need to recreate the part where the klyntar or symbiote was originally kiritsugu because how did he came into possession of it in the first place and it should have altered certain events.
I am loving this but I think you need to recreate the part where the klyntar or symbiote was originally kiritsugu because how did he came into possession of it in the first place and it should have altered certain events.
1/23/2024 c1
Interesante historia espero ver más de ella.
Creo que sería interesante ver cómo se irá desarrollando tu historia con los siguientes capítulos.
Creo que podrías aprovechar tu historia tenga la base actual de los cómics donde son una mente colmena que transciende el multiverso y que Nhull sea un ser de gran poder que incluso los type le tienen miedo dado que existe en todas las realidades al mismo tiempo.
Creo que tú historia Vald Tepes podrías ser un portador de simbionte y de allí que para la gente de es época lo comparace con un vampiro. Creo que es servant que tiene mucho para dar y no es usado correctamente.
Me gusta que te inspires en Fate Hammer y como ese autor amplio de muy buena manera su mundo.
Creo que alguien como Kiritsugo ahora que tiene la capacidad de volver a la acción no durará en matar a Souken como Kirei dado que él sigue siendo un héroe aunque este roto xD.
Sería bueno que incluyas a Waver en tu historia desde el inicio así como a Rin.

Interesante historia espero ver más de ella.
Creo que sería interesante ver cómo se irá desarrollando tu historia con los siguientes capítulos.
Creo que podrías aprovechar tu historia tenga la base actual de los cómics donde son una mente colmena que transciende el multiverso y que Nhull sea un ser de gran poder que incluso los type le tienen miedo dado que existe en todas las realidades al mismo tiempo.
Creo que tú historia Vald Tepes podrías ser un portador de simbionte y de allí que para la gente de es época lo comparace con un vampiro. Creo que es servant que tiene mucho para dar y no es usado correctamente.
Me gusta que te inspires en Fate Hammer y como ese autor amplio de muy buena manera su mundo.
Creo que alguien como Kiritsugo ahora que tiene la capacidad de volver a la acción no durará en matar a Souken como Kirei dado que él sigue siendo un héroe aunque este roto xD.
Sería bueno que incluyas a Waver en tu historia desde el inicio así como a Rin.
1/21/2024 c1 Rabbit
You should post this in the crossover section, it's really interesting concept, it would be fun if angra mainyu possessed the other symbiote and just spread all over the world turning everything into chaos which they need to resolve
You should post this in the crossover section, it's really interesting concept, it would be fun if angra mainyu possessed the other symbiote and just spread all over the world turning everything into chaos which they need to resolve
1/22/2024 c1 endermite
are the symbiotes in your fic going to have the same origins as the comics like there connected to knull or something completely different
are the symbiotes in your fic going to have the same origins as the comics like there connected to knull or something completely different
1/21/2024 c1 uneform9
Daww this is such an interesting concept I wonder why the clocktower and other Magi organisations such as. The wandering sea and atlas didn't know about the klyntar. Or maybe atlas does but they're taking a passive approach. Also I'm looking forward to see how Shirou will make use of the Klyntar's metallic powers since I doubt the symbiote can affect UBW in a big way. Maybe stop the whole sword regeneration that shirou has, but I don't think it can enhance many of the NP's that shirou may get,
Otherwise the premise sounds interesting and fun I'm looking forward to reading more of this, thank you for the chapter Mr. Author
Daww this is such an interesting concept I wonder why the clocktower and other Magi organisations such as. The wandering sea and atlas didn't know about the klyntar. Or maybe atlas does but they're taking a passive approach. Also I'm looking forward to see how Shirou will make use of the Klyntar's metallic powers since I doubt the symbiote can affect UBW in a big way. Maybe stop the whole sword regeneration that shirou has, but I don't think it can enhance many of the NP's that shirou may get,
Otherwise the premise sounds interesting and fun I'm looking forward to reading more of this, thank you for the chapter Mr. Author