Just In
for A Humble Heart

6/19/2024 c1 Guest
Hector and Morelli, fuck NO, and what cheap excuses for Morelli's behaviour towards Stephanie
5/23/2024 c1 42MMBabefanmmm
Morelli unmasked. Wow. Such a revelation.
His past behaviour makes sense in protecting his secret while actively promoting his Italian Stallion status. I liked his honesty, and finally confessing and compensating for Stephanie's long time assistance in helping solve his cases. Everyone's reactions were great. Open the door and what a surprise.
Cleverly done, by slowly unwrapping the layers in his backstory to the here and now.
Eloped and Married Steph and Ranger was a sweet addition.
Well done.
5/22/2024 c1 Ybanormlmom
Always enjoy a HEA, especially if hector’s happy
3/28/2024 c1 SiennaS
Now that's an angle I never once considered. Bravo for sparking the imagination with a fresh idea. Loved it.
3/28/2024 c1 HMCM0122
Aww what a sweet story! Thanks for sharing!
3/24/2024 c1 Guest
Morelli and Hector, no fucking way
2/27/2024 c1 melyons
Well, that was certainly different. I love it!
2/13/2024 c1 GarbanzoBeans
A definite twist in this story. Quite the unique storyline. Thanks for sharing.
2/8/2024 c1 James Birdsong
Good of course.
2/8/2024 c1 Audreyemma
Love it! Great story, thank you!
2/8/2024 c1 Guest
Wow! Darn good, Thank You.
2/8/2024 c1 Guest
I LOVED this. It is very well written and was very sensitive. I especially liked how everyone came together to celebrate the wedding.
2/10/2024 c1 BristolsMom
Great one. Loved it. Thanks for sharing️
2/10/2024 c1 an00626
Wonderful story thank you
2/10/2024 c1 16alate
This was cute and a very interesting twist to the triangle, lol!
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