Just In
for Hedwig Harry!

2h c10 envirosue
This has become one of my favorite stories, thank you
10/11 c3 4RealStarling
OMG! I just got to the books and authors! priceless! LMFAO
10/10 c4 envirosue
I love stories where Harry the boy gets a mentor. This is just fun to read!
10/10 c3 envirosue
This is so much fun to read, thank you so much
9/18 c19 Beth1112
I really enjoyed your story.
9/4 c19 157slytherinsal
an excellent story and a wonderful re-take on the do-over trope.
9/4 c19 khatre
and Harry goes forth to father an entire species of Magic Using Magic Owls!
9/4 c9 slytherinsal
having had Labyrinthitis and been physically seasick whilst lying still in bed I almost pity Draco
9/3 c19 dianaanne
This was awesome!
8/31 c15 Difdi
Rowling missed a trick with Voldemort’s name. I suspect she’s not very fluent in French. If she had made his middle name Marvolero instead of Marvolo, she could have had him be Volerdemort. Vol de Mort doesn’t mean Flight of Death, it means Flight from Death - as in fleeing from it. Voler de Mort on the other hand, DOES mean Flight of Death.

Closing the box on the horcrux explosion likely increased the power of it, not reduced it. The safest place to detonate anything is an open field. Anything that holds in the blast pressure increases the damage if it gives way before the blast is spent. This is fundamentally how a firecracker works - without the containment you just get a fast-burning, smoky fire.

And I had an amusing thought - if Hedwig were to swallow the Resurrection Stone like he did the Sorceror’s Stone, would he be able to summon the shades of the dead with a barrel roll?
8/31 c10 Difdi
Harry’s arson plan for the Dolohov manor would not have worked. Four hundred liters of petrol poured on a burning cloth rag would have extinguished the fire, much like how dropping a lit cigarette into a puddle of petrol extinguishes the cigarette. Doing that and causing a big fire only happens in movies.
8/31 c4 Difdi
Only someone ignorant of snowy owls would be surprised to see one during the day. Snowies, unlike most other owls, are NOT nocturnal - if they were nocturnal, they’d starve to death during the half of the year that the arctic regions they live in are in constant sunlight.

Also, regarding magic and electronics - if magic was as destructive to electronics or electricity as people claim, there would be a huge Statute of Secrecy violating electrical dead zone in the middle of London. Charing Cross Road is only about 2/3 as wide as a US-standard two lane road, and there are muggle businesses all along it. There’s a store that sells electronics right next door to the Leaky Cauldron! Diagon Alley is second only to Hogwarts for magic intensity in the British Isles! If magic disrupted electronics, every car made after 1985 that drove past on Charing Cross Road would die on the spot and never work again!

No, there has to be something more in play than just magic in general. Perhaps a ward against lightning strikes that also works on muggle electricity, and only areas actually covered by the ward are affected? That no muggle gadgets effect would be seen as a feature, not a bug, by blood purists and traditionalists.
8/27 c19 20crocket
first time seen this idea love it
8/22 c19 SunPho3n1x
I loved this story! And the centaurs watching his hijinks are absolutely hilarious! Thank you for writing this!
8/10 c19 25stevem1
This was a very fun story. Harry as Hedwig was hilarious. Harry the Boy, improving his life and magic, was a bit of a positive theme that is often lacking in fanfiction.

I was expecting Hedwig Harry swallowing the Philosopher’s Stone to actual undo the transformation that made his Hedwig. After all, it’s a cure all. Then again, Hedwig Harry might be an immortal owl at this point.

I wouldn’t mind an epilogue.
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