10/19/2024 c2
I hope you haven't abandoned the story again and are just preparing new chapters with a reserve. I'm really curious to see how it turns out. If you need ideas or advice or any other help, feel free to ask for it

I hope you haven't abandoned the story again and are just preparing new chapters with a reserve. I'm really curious to see how it turns out. If you need ideas or advice or any other help, feel free to ask for it
10/4/2024 c4 Kekoyin
Brokis level 10 gyatt be rizzz making munt.
I wanna factory reset myself after typing that dawg .
Brokis level 10 gyatt be rizzz making munt.
I wanna factory reset myself after typing that dawg .
9/19/2024 c1 BeginnersEnd
to be fair to the guy below me of clark being evil, there is a take where he is adopted by hitler and became evil but there is still goodness in him that he accepted metropolis being destroyed
to be fair to the guy below me of clark being evil, there is a take where he is adopted by hitler and became evil but there is still goodness in him that he accepted metropolis being destroyed
7/6/2024 c4 Guest
Here's the thing. A simgle Kryptonian is enough to solo the entire Nikke verse and this Kal El/Clark. Though if we give Kal El/Clark the low ball the rest of the Nikke verse would atleast have some sort of chance.
But enough of that. If Kal El is wandering up at the surface he would either meet these 3 groups:
1, Eden
2, The heretic's
3, Any OC or DC character/group
But i'll focus of the first 2 groups.
If Eden knew the existance of Kal El they would most likely try and seek him out sending out the Pioneer squad or Inherit squad. White Knight is busy protecting seeds of a superfruit and I don't think Modernia or Nihilister have joined up with Eden yet. They would first have to make Kal El reform and see the good of humanity whilst living up to the symbol of hope. (Good ending)
Meanwhile the Heretic's would want to reclaim their lost asset that they have found years prior to losing to to a commander of the Ark. If they were to get ahold of Kal El and feed him the propaganda that humans are cruel creatures. Solidifying Kal El's hate and sorrow for humanity as a whole and seeking revenge. (Bad ending)
Of course with the 3rd ground you could do almost anything with them. Bring Zod, accidently bring Flash in to fix the flash point (But this is a superman fic so I doubt it) or anyone really.
Overall It seems that you might have planned ahead with that seemingly long update. I hope you continue this fan fiction.
Here's the thing. A simgle Kryptonian is enough to solo the entire Nikke verse and this Kal El/Clark. Though if we give Kal El/Clark the low ball the rest of the Nikke verse would atleast have some sort of chance.
But enough of that. If Kal El is wandering up at the surface he would either meet these 3 groups:
1, Eden
2, The heretic's
3, Any OC or DC character/group
But i'll focus of the first 2 groups.
If Eden knew the existance of Kal El they would most likely try and seek him out sending out the Pioneer squad or Inherit squad. White Knight is busy protecting seeds of a superfruit and I don't think Modernia or Nihilister have joined up with Eden yet. They would first have to make Kal El reform and see the good of humanity whilst living up to the symbol of hope. (Good ending)
Meanwhile the Heretic's would want to reclaim their lost asset that they have found years prior to losing to to a commander of the Ark. If they were to get ahold of Kal El and feed him the propaganda that humans are cruel creatures. Solidifying Kal El's hate and sorrow for humanity as a whole and seeking revenge. (Bad ending)
Of course with the 3rd ground you could do almost anything with them. Bring Zod, accidently bring Flash in to fix the flash point (But this is a superman fic so I doubt it) or anyone really.
Overall It seems that you might have planned ahead with that seemingly long update. I hope you continue this fan fiction.
7/5/2024 c4
Well, this is an interesting Elseworld of Superman. If I compare which Elseworld is close to which Superman, It is Flashpoint or Bright Burn. Well, there is the factor of what kind of parents raise Kal-el will shape him like that one where Zod mixes his genes to his before his birth and then is raised by Mexicans.
Making him a perfect soldier is already out of the question since there are two Elseworlds that show his military life(The Soviet Union and The Nazi) went very wrong.
So in my opinion, he needs to get raised by the CEO of Tetra line MUSTANG(EEENNNTTEERRRTTAAINMENTOOO!). He will likely appreciate life more plus knows how to have fun and be entertained! (I can't seem to remove the idea of Superman having Mustang personality LoL!)
Anyway that all and keep up the good work!

Well, this is an interesting Elseworld of Superman. If I compare which Elseworld is close to which Superman, It is Flashpoint or Bright Burn. Well, there is the factor of what kind of parents raise Kal-el will shape him like that one where Zod mixes his genes to his before his birth and then is raised by Mexicans.
Making him a perfect soldier is already out of the question since there are two Elseworlds that show his military life(The Soviet Union and The Nazi) went very wrong.
So in my opinion, he needs to get raised by the CEO of Tetra line MUSTANG(EEENNNTTEERRRTTAAINMENTOOO!). He will likely appreciate life more plus knows how to have fun and be entertained! (I can't seem to remove the idea of Superman having Mustang personality LoL!)
Anyway that all and keep up the good work!
7/3/2024 c4
If I had a nickel for every time my comments helped an author release a new chapter faster, I'd have two nickels - which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
I'm glad my review gave you the motivation to release a new chapter, I've only had that happen once a few years ago with another author.
So, Clark (I'm going to call the main character by that name, for now it would be rash to call him Superman and that's usually his canonical human name everywhere) finally ran out of patience and got laser vision. And I'm glad that CG finally faced the consequences of their actions, for what Clark did should show them what he can do if he decides to go against Ark, his lasers almost destroyed Ark's shields in just a few seconds, and he just awakened new powers.
I wonder what will happen next? Will he find Eden? Honestly, that's also a moot point, for Dorothy might try to use him against Ark. Or will he encounter the Pioneer Squad? Maybe the best possible option, for he needs someone who can teach him how to live and treat him like a human being. In short, he needs a family that can raise him.
Or maybe Andersen, who seems to be the most reasonable person in the whole Ark now, can find a way to take custody of Clark? The most difficult option, since if Clark returns to the Ark, CG may try to kill him or take control of him, but at the same time, Andersen cannot leave the Ark to raise him on the surface

If I had a nickel for every time my comments helped an author release a new chapter faster, I'd have two nickels - which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
I'm glad my review gave you the motivation to release a new chapter, I've only had that happen once a few years ago with another author.
So, Clark (I'm going to call the main character by that name, for now it would be rash to call him Superman and that's usually his canonical human name everywhere) finally ran out of patience and got laser vision. And I'm glad that CG finally faced the consequences of their actions, for what Clark did should show them what he can do if he decides to go against Ark, his lasers almost destroyed Ark's shields in just a few seconds, and he just awakened new powers.
I wonder what will happen next? Will he find Eden? Honestly, that's also a moot point, for Dorothy might try to use him against Ark. Or will he encounter the Pioneer Squad? Maybe the best possible option, for he needs someone who can teach him how to live and treat him like a human being. In short, he needs a family that can raise him.
Or maybe Andersen, who seems to be the most reasonable person in the whole Ark now, can find a way to take custody of Clark? The most difficult option, since if Clark returns to the Ark, CG may try to kill him or take control of him, but at the same time, Andersen cannot leave the Ark to raise him on the surface
6/26/2024 c3 KevinNaits
I hope you haven't abandoned this story and will be releasing new chapters soon. Personally, I'm curious to see what will come out of this and what the plot will be in the future.
So far I see the local Superman following in Homelander's steps, but unlike him he will be many times stronger and more dangerous, and no one will be able to stop him if he gets out of control. Unfortunately, Central Government are terrible parents they teach him not to consider Nikkes as people. Personally, I want to hope that sooner or later Clark (those bastards didn't even give him a name, how can they expect him to be in a normal mental state when he grows up?) will realise how awful things are in Ark and that CG doesn't make things better, and follow in the steps of the original Superman. Or maybe he'll have people to raise him or who he can call family (maybe Andersen can do something about that)
I hope you haven't abandoned this story and will be releasing new chapters soon. Personally, I'm curious to see what will come out of this and what the plot will be in the future.
So far I see the local Superman following in Homelander's steps, but unlike him he will be many times stronger and more dangerous, and no one will be able to stop him if he gets out of control. Unfortunately, Central Government are terrible parents they teach him not to consider Nikkes as people. Personally, I want to hope that sooner or later Clark (those bastards didn't even give him a name, how can they expect him to be in a normal mental state when he grows up?) will realise how awful things are in Ark and that CG doesn't make things better, and follow in the steps of the original Superman. Or maybe he'll have people to raise him or who he can call family (maybe Andersen can do something about that)
3/12/2024 c3 Guest
the name subject-01 kinda reminds me of flashpoint version of supes(who was also raised to become a weapon)
the name subject-01 kinda reminds me of flashpoint version of supes(who was also raised to become a weapon)
3/12/2024 c3 Guest
Would there be other DC characters in this fanfiction or will Kal El be alone in the world of Nikke as the only survivor of Krypton? Searching for his race (If he escapes) only to be hit with the realization that HE Alone is truly alone in the world.
Would there be other DC characters in this fanfiction or will Kal El be alone in the world of Nikke as the only survivor of Krypton? Searching for his race (If he escapes) only to be hit with the realization that HE Alone is truly alone in the world.