Just In
for Tell It To My Face

12/7/2012 c10 scurryworry
I know that it's been over 8 years since you last updated, but please return to this story! It has come so far and has so much potential. I love everything about it. Especially how reluctant Sirius is to leave Harry's side. I'm one of those people who think that Sirius shouldn't have died in the book, and I really love how you portrayed Sirius. I'll never give up hope for an update! You are amazing!
8/1/2011 c10 17Child of Dreams
Can you please hurry up and finish this story?

I really would like to find out if Harry wakes up

and recovers completely!

P.S. When this story's complete,

can you please write a sequel?
12/29/2008 c10 210thWeasley
Please update soon! I love your stories!
7/23/2007 c10 6DeathlyPhoenix
It's not a bad fic, but you do have me hooked! update!
3/8/2007 c3 19BTCE
Poor Harry. Nice chapter, Luv
3/8/2007 c2 BTCE
Awesome! :D
3/8/2007 c1 BTCE
Awesome Chapter! Poor Harry! I'm gonna cry
6/16/2006 c9 3Haunted
So, how exactly did the DeathEaters get Harry? You've never really explained that. I hope you update soon.
6/11/2006 c10 Haunted
I can't believe that Harry had a stroke. That just seems impossible. Really. I hope they find out what spell was used and that Harry pulls out of this okay. Update asap. I can't wait to see how this one turns out.
6/11/2006 c3 Haunted
Nice!Poor Harry.I do hope that he gets better.Update asap please!I can't wait for the next chapter.
4/2/2006 c10 2hedwig136
i luv it! please update soon!
2/7/2006 c1 10daeshie o'rivers
you did something very dangerous, suggesting cheese fries to me.

i've been having the most off-whack cravings ever (crab puffs-grapefruit) and the cheese fries are not helping -_-

otherwise, i love this fic!
4/11/2005 c1 8TeahLeafs
Jesus lord you do sound burnt out!

And I know exactly how you feel!

Maybe this will cheer you up!

I love this story so far! I read it over the summer after reading your other fic “I know I am not sleeping. I was so eager for more that I read it and I never got to review it, but here it is now! I totally love it and I want more! But I am patient and I understand you’re busy.


I think we should all take a vacation to Tahiti, really! All students UNIT! *Cheers *


I hope you feel better soon!

Keep Rocking on with your AWESOME Writing!
11/16/2004 c10 Lupin123
Just letting you know that you have gained another reader of this story. I look forward to when you are able to update it again!
10/15/2004 c4 6Japonica
I'm reviewing here, just because only likes to let me leave one review a chapter, which means I can't hassle you properly! I was wondering if you were going to write another chapter for this fic, and if you were, I hope you do so soon. I really enjoyed this story, and I'm hoping for more chapters! Thank you!
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