Just In
for A New Player in the Force: The Reforged Path

1/17 c10 Spawn
Well Quinlan knowing about Anakin places him in a delicate situation.

It would be best if Cam could convince them to either join him or at least leave the Jedi.

That would at least keep anakins existence a secret for longer.
1/19 c10 Maverick123214685
I vaguely remember something about an azanti sith? Will be interesting to see the next chapter soon. Mace windu really isnt helping the order’s image, by lying to world leaders about jedi of their clan when his lie is so easily revealed. And I don’t see why the Jedi wouldn’t send someone looking for aayla.
1/18 c10 Rightword
Nice to get out of the training arc and into the action again. I look forward to seeing this develop.
1/16 c10 Kriff
I have an idea.

What if Cameron created a second crystal to incorporate into his mechanical limb?

I think that way it would feel more natural for him to use the Force through his new limb.
1/16 c9 Stark
Vos lost his Padawan

I have a bad feeling

If I remember correctly then Aayla was kidnapped and sold as a slave after losing her memory through some kind of anti-force drug or something like that.

I wonder if Aayla relationship with Cam will improve after saving her. Maybe Aayla will ask Vos for his blessing to date Cameron.
1/18 c10 cameron1812
Wow, this is the start of an incredible arc!
1/15 c10 Guest
amazing chapter as always
1/17 c10 3grovepjp
1/17 c10 Blaze1992
Well at least this means blue on blue has a very low chance of happening here.
1/16 c10 Raiju001
Whoo! Things are getting interesting! Let's see how it plays out with these two who jave been memory washed somewhat and less indoctrinated now! Thanks for the story!
1/16 c10 brandonepphilipps
Another brilliant chapter.
1/16 c10 moozga
Great chapter, can't wait to read more!
1/16 c10 1Nai Darkor
Time to spring a trap.
1/16 c10 4Okaze
It'll be interesting to see all of Cam's hard work finally put to the test.
1/15 c10 Pjo crossovers
I love exposition and world-building, I really really do, but… there’s always something about action and fight scenes and puzzles and mysteries that scratches a different type of itch. I’m glad that we’re getting some for now!
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