Just In
for The Daddy Next Door

8/17 c5 25The Vampire Goddess
As I said before she'll get this man in trouble and fast. They'll crash and burn!
8/17 c4 acw1
8/17 c4 Cina's
He is trapped in her web.
8/17 c4 traceybuie
LOL thanks for writing and sharing
8/17 c4 AnakinSmom
She has his number for sure! Little cock tease knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it. He doesn't stand a chance...not that he cares.
8/17 c4 flyrbrd
8/17 c4 lillianolivia.white
Oh hell, Bella is a true vixen! I love this. Edward is unhappy, and he doesnt stand a chance.
8/17 c4 edwards-debussy
Love this! Thank you :)
8/17 c4 biblepam
Whew,, thanks for updating.
8/15 c3 guest
thank youuuu, can’t wait to see what happens
8/17 c4 Flippysten
So hot need more please
8/17 c3 Flippysten
I bet he's loving her calling him sir
8/17 c2 Flippysten
Can't wait for more
8/17 c4 30Rebadams7
Really Bella ?
Et Vous Edward?
8/17 c4 dowlingnana hot chapter. I love it! I hope daddy gives her what she wants. thanx ;o)
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