Just In
for The Daddy Next Door

4/7 c1 3Evelyne-raconte
Good start, I'm in the wagon with you.
4/7 c1 Mom23xx
Yes girl…go get your…daddy
4/6 c1 MamaJoyof3-ObsessedMama
Can’t wait for more!
4/6 c1 tff000
4/6 c1 Flippysten
Loved it! So happy your back
4/5 c1 dfuerman
Wow I love it so far. I love your writing style and can't wait to read more!
4/5 c1 SassYNoleS
Loving the start and looking forward to seeing where you take this.
4/5 c1 mnnlisa
Stalker Bella instead of stalker Edward. Looking forward to this story.
4/4 c1 Madison Elliott
I so love your stories you are incredibly talented and i cant wait to read more.
4/4 c1 lillianolivia.white
Loved this first chapter. It was great.
4/4 c1 25The Vampire Goddess
waiting for more! want to see where it goes!
4/4 c1 ChristyWIX
You write some of the most fun characters. Enjoyed the banter between her mom and her. Guessing Mr. Cullen hasn’t noticed her because he’s faithful to his wife? Or, he has noticed her and he’s ignoring the pull because it is literally too close to home. We'll see how it plays out.
4/4 c1 misstresswillow
I was once in Bella's shoes. when i was a teenager. Looks like its going to be good reading.
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