Just In
for Crescent Mirror

8/9/2003 c3 Shanz
8/7/2003 c1 greengrapes
this story was written so beautifully, u should definitely write more! and i can't wait to read about what happens next!
8/1/2003 c2 2cristal25
i wonder waat nehelenian will do don't kill their parents it would be to sad
7/28/2003 c2 3Lady Tristana Rogue
is there more or what?
7/27/2003 c2 Divine Storm
Your story is the greatest! Please update soon ^_^
7/26/2003 c2 3Chibi Babe
aww lol aint endy and sere KAWAII! lol well write more! haha ist so kewl! will they all die and will the kids b left parentless? hope NOT! poor lil sere...haha luv Luna as a nanny!

7/22/2003 c1 3Lady Tristana Rogue
it was good so when are you going to come out with the next chapter.
7/20/2003 c1 2SilverMo
Awsome fic. can't wait for the next chapter!
7/20/2003 c1 3Chibi Babe
oh! i like i like! write more soon! i wanna know all the details ehre! whats gonna happen! im so curious! hehe Endymion is so KAWAII!:D hehe write more asap!


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