Just In
for Turn on the Light

6/5/2024 c6 Guest
Definitely excited for next chapter where maybe Ginny has told her brothers and Hermione about meeting Harry. Would love to how they react after that. Can't wait to see the Weighing of the Wands and if Rita Skeeter tries to dig up some dirt against Harry, and if she mentions Ginny in the article. Also Ginny's teasing will definitely be better I think.
6/5/2024 c6 scrappy8
great chapter
5/18/2024 c5 scrappy8
great chapter I like how Harry & Ginny spend time together
5/18/2024 c5 scrappy8
great chapter I like how Harry & Ginny spend time together
5/18/2024 c5 Guest
How about a Diamond back rattle snake? They travel with their mate. When they feel threatened they warn their adversary. You can easily distinguish the sex (The diamonds barely touch on the males and they interlock on the females.) And they are extremely skilled hunters who kill only what they are a deadly enemy when threatened and able to completely swallow, yet they can bring down a healthy, full-grown bull with one strike if fully charged with vinnum. Their only real enemies are the extremely bold road-runner who is fast enough to avoid their strike, and humans who have hunted them to near extinction.
5/18/2024 c4 Guest
That's a terrible idea/ However, it's your story and I, personally, don't want to read my ideas or anyone else's ideas. They can write their own story.
5/18/2024 c5 Guest
Honestly would love for the tasks to be true to canon, if for nothing else than to see Harry rescue Ginny out of the lake. So glad Harry and Ginny came up with a cover story although yes I do think Harry is underestimating his own fame and maybe that can be something that comes back to bite him with Rita Skeeter, but then you could make Sirius or Harry or Dumbledore use their influence to get the Prophet to remove whatever false article has been printed. Anyway, I love it. Can't wait for more!
5/18/2024 c5 1Nightwing2013
Why not something a little more mischievous or powerful for Harry’s animagus form? Ive never seen him in primeape forms (monkeys). I’d love to see him as a white-headed capuchin (see Marcel from “Friendsor a silver-backed gorrilla (this to reenact the HulkLoki scene in Avengers).
Alternatively, since he’s an aerialist and a speed-demon, peregrine falcon.
Keep up the good work!
5/17/2024 c4 llpi
Being a phoenix animagus would give him the opportunity to turn into a phoenix immediately before being hit with a killing curse. But it would be kind of Gary Sue.
5/14/2024 c4 Quill will 1981
Hi. Wonderful chapter. Was it their plan for it to glow blue?
Your writing is great. But, I'd suggest not to make him a phoenix animagus... If there is any other purpose you are seeing, except escaping from tough situations, then go ahead. Try making things difficult to Harry.
Will be looking forward to reading more from you. Thanks.
5/14/2024 c4 scrappy8
great chapter can't wait to see what Ginny does about what Harry did
5/14/2024 c4 Guest
I loved this chapter, cant wait to see how Ginny answers all the questions being sent her way, I was wondering if Harry would want to expose their friendship to the public considering the scrutiny they would both be under about that by the public. Avout the animagus, honestly I am not sure if I want to see Harry having a phoenix one or not - I don't want super Harry but I do like the idea. I think something else like a lion, wolf, panther or a bird would be a good idea though.
5/14/2024 c4 Sunny JS
No bloody tropes. We're in 2024, come on...
5/15/2024 c4 scyfly
so there is magic that can tie ppl to magically binding contracts using only a magical signature and the ministry collects these?

admittedly a better excuse than a name but it still remains that the ministry can use the cup for assassinations. so why didnt dumbledore use if for voldemort?
5/15/2024 c2 scyfly
no man would call his son darling boy
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