Just In
for The lost one

9/6/2024 c1 Kal-NayahC
This is a great start. I wonder how the Falna would apply to Rand? From Danmachi Canon reincarnating heroes are essentially treated as New Game. How would Freya view his soul? There are so many interesting questions! I can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the great work!
7/27/2024 c1 SamonIllmantrim
This is a really fun idea. I'd be very interested in seeing more of Rand's adventures in Orario.
6/30/2024 c1 Exodus12345
Oh that kind of sucks. Was hoping this would take place later so that Rand would at least have some abilities and skills with a sword. Right now he is basically nothing. Though I do like the concept and am looking forward to more. Also would the taint even be able to get to him there since that is a different world and there are many gods on par with the so called Dark One there?
6/10/2024 c1 BigBossNs
good start, hope you continue

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