Just In
for Fourth installment of the Hardy Boys Pressure Series: Second Chance

8/18/2024 c2 MargaretA66
Incident joe experienced in NY. Fenton haunted. Joe's latest cry for hlp was for his Dad to stop the hurting. Oh my!

And the guilt trip Frank is giving himself.
8/15/2024 c2 Candylou
I think the next time frank sees fe ton, Frank needs to ask Fenton what happened when joe was four. Because I believe whatever happened is why joe is in the state he is. It might also help Fenton remember and realize something that is in the back of his mind. Also, give Fenton something to start with. Because when joe called out to Fenton, he was talking like a child, possibly four years old. Update as soon as possible.
8/15/2024 c2 t4swp
wow great story
8/14/2024 c2 caseykam
Does Sam have a connection to Jason? Is that why the visits are 'sporadic'? Whatever happened when Joe was with Gertrude and the grandmother is the repressed memory? Hmmm. Good chapter! :)
7/2/2024 c1 lileep07
Please finish, the story is improving with each sequel
6/22/2024 c1 MargaretA66
Great start. Excited to see this story unfold.
6/21/2024 c1 caseykam
So many questions...there's obviously a connection to Joe's past here. Since no one has acknowledged Joe being abused as a child, they're missing the clues. 'Frank don't leave.'; 'Don't send me away.'; Fenton thinking Gregory looked familiar. Then Jason's reaction to Joe's name. They're the same age. Were they together at a summer camp or something? Were kids abused there? A little too much drama and crying for me, but you're defiantly heading down an interesting path. Let's see where it leads. :)
6/19/2024 c1 Candylou
It's going to be a very difficult journey for all the hardys and their friends. I hope joe comes to, soon, and also Fenton remembers where he has seen d Gregory. I also think Frank should tell Fenton right away about what happened after Fenton returned back to joe. Especially about how Jason went pale after hearing Joe's name, and how Jason told Frank not to tell Dr. Gregory they met. That is very important and a big clue something is not right. Update as soon as possible
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