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for Open The Game!

8/1/2024 c1 cjboughton
listen, i have been thinking maybe adam should be more human.
7/22/2024 c2 cjboughton
also adam is a dick.
7/21/2024 c2 cjboughton
so his stand is not only defense stand but might be the lans itself, right?
7/20/2024 c1 ringtaillemur0
blackened spiral
7/16/2024 c1 XxEnderhunterxX
Okay you've definitely captured my interest with this. So by what I'm seeing the main character will have some type of JJBA system in the hazbin/helluva universe? If so than I'm truly excited for what you have planned. As for one of the stand names you have chosen, I think Open The World is the best, its the most iconic and sounds the best when spoken out loud.
7/11/2024 c1 BlankSlate00
Okay you have my interest.
7/2/2024 c1 cjboughton
open the world.

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