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for Forgotten Home: Lost Memories of The Primera

2/10 c2 Mariegrey90
Hey there! I just have to say—I’m absolutely in awe of your writing talent. Your story really resonated with me, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. I’d love to chat with you about it sometime!

I’m a digital artist with a passion for creating comics, and I’ve worked with many authors to turn their incredible stories into stunning visuals. I think your story would translate beautifully into this medium, and I’d be so excited to help make that happen.

If you’re interested, feel free to reach out to me on Discord (danban1247275) or Twitter ( mariegrey90). I’d love to connect and discuss the possibilities!
1/16 c2 Naedine-Daki
I wanted to let you know how much I admire your incredible storytelling. Your work really resonated with me, and I think it would make an outstanding comic. As a commission-based digital artist with experience in comic collaborations, I’d love to discuss bringing your story to life. If you’re interested,
you can reach out to me on Discord: lishafang or Twitter: Pelu_Oficial123.
12/21/2024 c2 Red
Can you do ulquiorra in pjo if that's ok
12/21/2024 c2 Guest
Can you pls do ulquiorra in percy jackson if that's ok
9/19/2024 c1 GoldQuartz
So... is Starrk Percy, or at least, the original Hollow was Percy?
8/26/2024 c1 Guest

sounds intresting, I would love to read more on this.

Will Lilynette aslo join him ?
What will be Starks power compared to the gods ? I am a sucker for OP Stark
7/25/2024 c1 1eziouzumakiauditore
Update please
7/9/2024 c1 TwinstarDragon
Loving this story can’t wait to see more. Also I would go with either Hecate or Athena since they would most likely be interested in learning about reiroku. Another thing when he regains his memories please let him not only get back his demigod power but gain back the power he gave to lilynette. But make sure lillynette stays.
7/2/2024 c1 Franklen165
Personally I think one would suit his character more. Instead give him a well thought out reintroduction to thr cast and build back up his friendship with grover. Giving him a love interest just muddies his new progression

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