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15m c7 Guest
I thought the house might belong to family.
Edward's uncle knew Joey was the right fit...
Support dog for a broken young man.
And, a hard hearted young woman.
Has Uncle (I'm thinkin' he is) Aro put these two together?
Still *sniffing*
16h c7 4Halo221
Aww, even Bella can't resist Joey!
9/15 c7 Flippysten
Heartwrenching but also very sweet
9/15 c7 Zveka
love it :)
9/15 c7 TheGreenPanther
I really love Joey.
9/14 c7 midnitereader
She's grown attached to Joey. Who would have believed it. She still doesn't totally get it. Joey goes everywhere with Edward. Why would she suggest they drop him off at home.
9/14 c7 lushloulou2
Oh thanks so much I’m loving 5his story
Cheers Lou
9/14 c7 Twiggalina
Lovely chapter PB!
9/14 c7 vivalarye
edwards not going to be the only sad one when joey goes… i mean the whole town, but now bella too!

i wonder if anyone else will see this picture of bella and joey… maybe edwards uncle?!…. aro?! wouldn’t that shock bella hehe
9/14 c7 Guest
Amazing story!
Thank you!
9/14 c7 EdwardsVampTramp
Aaawwwww...someone is learning empathy! Our little Bella is growing up!
9/14 c7 Daisy Grace
This Bella reminds my of my Mom. She was farm-raised. One didn't get attached. Animals were for a purpose and having a "pet" was not a luxury that could be indulged. I wanted a pet so bad most of my growing-up years and basically, had my first puppy shortly after I was married. That sweet puppy was named Daisy. She took care of me. I still miss her even now. She died over 25 years ago. I still miss her to this day.
9/12 c7 52old4fanfic
9/12 c7 12Eternally Addicted
Knowing how hard it is to loose a beloved furry family member, my heart aches for Edward. I know this isn't easy for him at all and I love that he wants to give Joey the best he can for as long as he can. While what's happening with Joey is devastating, I do believe something beautiful is also happening. Its sad to hear Bella talk about how detached her life is. What made her that way? Had to be something that hurt her so deeply. But the beautiful thing is, Bella's opening up her heart and letting Joey and Edward in. Even if she isn't quite fully aware of it yet. I know she may realize she is feeling something, but I don't think she realizes the depth yet. It must have been quite the surprise for Edward to come back for the restroom and see Bella holding and cuddling Joey. What an image that must have been for him. I am so glad he took the picture. I am betting it will be one he will always cherish. Bella will too. Loved the chapter so much and can't wait for the next one.
9/12 c7 tff000
heartbreaking - no way out of it
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