Just In
for Relieve of Duty

2/7 c1 2DannyPhantom619
Wow...this was sad.

I prefer the DMC/DCU story.
1/16 c1 43Lightblade1121

You gotta be kidding me. This is fowl. Ain’t no way Steve could die to an asshole like that. This is bullshit.

10/2/2024 c1 AAJG87
This… was incredible. I know its marked as completed, but I would *love* to see the aftermath of this— especially the remaining avengers’ reactions to Soldier Boy killing their friends.
9/8/2024 c1 Agent Umbra
very well written
9/1/2024 c1 17AntiHero627
Epic first chapter! Cool fight! Can't wait to see what happens next!
8/25/2024 c1 Guest
Welcome back. Write as much as you need to get back in form.
8/25/2024 c1 ihngoleegoliath
Oh I sure hope Fury makes those fuckers pay with all SHIELD has. Maybe all the remaining heroes get together to kick Soldier Boy's ass. Hulk and Thor will definitely be able to finish him. Tony with his new nanotechnology armour or just the Hulk buster can take him down.
8/24/2024 c1 94Perseus12
Steve Rogers deserves the mantle of Captain America, NOT Soldier Boy! I strongly oppose Soldier Boy for taking Captain America's shield which he's NOT worthy to wield it! *Angry face!* Damned Vought International! Damned the Seven! Only True Heroes are worthy to be called Heroes, NOT Fakers!

Captain America, in death, I HONOR and SALUTE YOU! *Salutes!* Your death will be AVENGED!
8/24/2024 c1 CorvidaeWT
Great first chapter glad you are back
8/24/2024 c1 Guest
Erase this story and never speak or mention ever again.
8/24/2024 c1 Masterchief
Shit story, enough said

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