12/31/2024 c4 Crofty666
Rath's throw seems about right considering it's a softball, if it was a solider type like a shot putt or cannon ball I can see that going MUCH further but because the softball isn't fully solid a lot of the force behind the throw probably gets lost.
Rath's throw seems about right considering it's a softball, if it was a solider type like a shot putt or cannon ball I can see that going MUCH further but because the softball isn't fully solid a lot of the force behind the throw probably gets lost.
10/31/2024 c4 B0OKW0RM
Lmao, even of she couldn't figured out other forms weaknesses she would've taken time to do so, time he could've tripped her up. But I agree, he definitely would've over thought it and froze up. Lmao that you forgot about the Neceofriggian. Rath is always Fun, even Kevin and Gwen agreed in the series. Can't wait to read more stories from you even if I'll be sad that this'll be put in hiatus. Thanks for the recommendation on AO
Lmao, even of she couldn't figured out other forms weaknesses she would've taken time to do so, time he could've tripped her up. But I agree, he definitely would've over thought it and froze up. Lmao that you forgot about the Neceofriggian. Rath is always Fun, even Kevin and Gwen agreed in the series. Can't wait to read more stories from you even if I'll be sad that this'll be put in hiatus. Thanks for the recommendation on AO
10/8/2024 c1 Ddd
Why don't you name him Michael Scovillield while you're at it
Why don't you name him Michael Scovillield while you're at it
10/8/2024 c2 Ddd
Did you really just compare swampfire to the measurement of the heat in a chili pepper
Did you really just compare swampfire to the measurement of the heat in a chili pepper
10/7/2024 c1 Leon
You know I actually like this. It’s a different take on that of Deku 10 stories keep up the good work man PS I really like the fact that you had that one hero but a sex court into an all female agency dude I was cracking up for at least a few minutes there it said humor like that that makes things funny.
You know I actually like this. It’s a different take on that of Deku 10 stories keep up the good work man PS I really like the fact that you had that one hero but a sex court into an all female agency dude I was cracking up for at least a few minutes there it said humor like that that makes things funny.
9/25/2024 c2 Guest
The title isn't much better than the old one. I get where you're coming from, but you need to make it sound better. Also seeing Lodestar would be great, he has a pretty magnetic personality and he's an attractive option.
Also, unlike the other two he's underutilized, so make some use of him.
The title isn't much better than the old one. I get where you're coming from, but you need to make it sound better. Also seeing Lodestar would be great, he has a pretty magnetic personality and he's an attractive option.
Also, unlike the other two he's underutilized, so make some use of him.
9/17/2024 c2 Highostrich
You should focus on your Naruto x Re monster fic over this. That fic is a lot more interesting to read
You should focus on your Naruto x Re monster fic over this. That fic is a lot more interesting to read
9/13/2024 c2 Advent of Sloth
I like the idea of Izuku having his own names for the aliens... it feels more organic.
Would personally like to see Upgrade as he is one of my faves.
Personally don't care for Bakugo either so either he doesn't get in, is under serious scrutiny, or maybe even forced to get in through General Studies... I know Shiketsu is extremely strict if that is the path you choose (I know they have to have the Shiketsu Hat as part of their Hero Suit and there is a rule about relationships between students).
I like the idea of Izuku having his own names for the aliens... it feels more organic.
Would personally like to see Upgrade as he is one of my faves.
Personally don't care for Bakugo either so either he doesn't get in, is under serious scrutiny, or maybe even forced to get in through General Studies... I know Shiketsu is extremely strict if that is the path you choose (I know they have to have the Shiketsu Hat as part of their Hero Suit and there is a rule about relationships between students).
9/13/2024 c2 Strikeforce21881
Lodestar to give him a magnetic personality
Lodestar to give him a magnetic personality
9/13/2024 c2 B0OKW0RM
ShardRock is definitely DiamondHead... Didn't see Scoville being SwampFire. I like how sometimes he does different names, feels now organic, and yet sometimes the name he picks is the same and that's fine. Plus I like trying to figure out which one each is.
Would be absolutely hilarious if he got Alien X this early but please don't. Kinda on the fence if I want Jury-rig before he meets Mei, because I mean two inventors... But they'd both complement each other in the 'worst' ways with mad tinkering. Could always go with Upgrade instead... Actually I'd like if he got one of those before the Entrance Test and see him take over robots to fight other robots would be pretty cool imo. Unless you're also doing the Fusions... Then UpRigg would be killer.
ShardRock is definitely DiamondHead... Didn't see Scoville being SwampFire. I like how sometimes he does different names, feels now organic, and yet sometimes the name he picks is the same and that's fine. Plus I like trying to figure out which one each is.
Would be absolutely hilarious if he got Alien X this early but please don't. Kinda on the fence if I want Jury-rig before he meets Mei, because I mean two inventors... But they'd both complement each other in the 'worst' ways with mad tinkering. Could always go with Upgrade instead... Actually I'd like if he got one of those before the Entrance Test and see him take over robots to fight other robots would be pretty cool imo. Unless you're also doing the Fusions... Then UpRigg would be killer.
9/13/2024 c2 Yaethe
id much rather the original nanes since it's confusing to understand which alien is which with these new ones
id much rather the original nanes since it's confusing to understand which alien is which with these new ones
9/13/2024 c2 1jerryagresor
Please Don't give ofa to someone from 1-A. Its just there is to much fics with ofa ochaco
Please Don't give ofa to someone from 1-A. Its just there is to much fics with ofa ochaco
9/6/2024 c1 B0OKW0RM
Shardrock either Diamond Head or Chromastone is what I'm thinking?
Ravager I have no idea
Rebeat Echo Echo?
Frostmoth obviously the Neceofriggian Big Chill
Scoville HeatBlast?
Techtonic maybe GravAttack? But I doubt it.
Shardrock either Diamond Head or Chromastone is what I'm thinking?
Ravager I have no idea
Rebeat Echo Echo?
Frostmoth obviously the Neceofriggian Big Chill
Scoville HeatBlast?
Techtonic maybe GravAttack? But I doubt it.