Just In
for Whispers of Fangs and Scales

12/2/2024 c27 Guest
This story is alright I enjoyed the original one more I think my issues stem from this feels like the dragon age vielguard to orgins if that makes sense it feels toned down and trying not to offend anyone thebconway fight of hin calling mira a wench really felt out of place
11/26/2024 c1 Lisa-Katagiri
Hi there
How are you? I hope I’m not causing any inconvenience. I recently read your story "The Dragon and The Mermaids Reboot" and genuinely enjoyed it. I’ve been thinking about turning it into a comic in my style, and I believe it would be an exciting commission project. I'm confident you would also be pleased with the results and might even consider sharing it.

As an experienced digital artist, I am currently open for commissions, and I would love to adapt your wonderful story into a comic format. If you're interested in commissioning me for this project, we can discuss the details further either in the general chat or on Discord.

My Discord is lisakatagiri,

and I’d be happy to chat about pricing, timelines, and how we can bring your story to life in a visually engaging way.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Thank you!
11/21/2024 c27 Guest
A bad guy like Conway should probably get a really bad beating until he can't get up from his bed.
11/21/2024 c27 Almighty Izuku
Good chapter love it I really love your series man, I really hope Natsu can save Wendy and its cool how your re titling your series, Can’t wait for more chapters dude it’s so good!
11/21/2024 c22 45Wacko12
Is Fairy Tail a bad place in this story?
11/21/2024 c26 Wacko12
Whose King? You mean the King of Fiore?
11/21/2024 c26 41Cloud4012
Ooh growing feelings between Natsu and his 3 ladies. Hope something happens with them soon
11/14/2024 c26 Guest
Wow, I have a really bad feeling. I feel like something bad is going to happen.
11/14/2024 c26 TheBest
So is this harem ending or not?
11/14/2024 c26 Almighty Izuku
Amazing chapter just simply amazing I do love the sister ship with Erza and Kagura, it’s so good! I hope Natsu beats the group that kidnap Wendy!

And I have a question: Idk if you noted this but where’s Lucy? Is she in fairy tail or is she gonna be in the series later?

I also have a very cool idea for a girl to add into Mermaid Heel: Athena from the 100 Years Quest Saga! It would be so cool for her to be with Mermaid Heel, I made have some idea to add her into the story if you feel like DMing?
11/6/2024 c25 naedinefebruary2.0

Having read your absorbing Story, The Dragon and The Mermaids Reboot, I found many things to admire in the weighty narrative and imaginative flair. Your storytelling is truly remarkable, and I really do think that it can reach a wider audience as a comic. I'm a commission artist with broad experience in converting literature into striking comic format. I will be proud to reformat your story into this dynamic format. Let me just take you through some of my portfolio samples of previous works. Your literature is a masterpiece, and as goes the proverb, A comic can capture the essence of the story, so that would add more power to your literature. I look forward to the possibility of working together. As I am open to commission I'd really appreciate that if you could commission me for this. If you're messaging me on Discord, please also check my Twitter and Instagram, where I've uploaded my work. You can contact me on Discord, Twitter, and Instagram as well.

Here is my Contacts
discord : naedinefebruary
Twitter : naedinefebruary
Instagram: naedinefebruary

Hope to hear back from you soon.
11/6/2024 c25 narticc
I really enjoy the story, in my opinion it works better than the original one. The character dynamics are really good, the story is interesting enough that im actually waiting to see how it will work out. I have 1 question tho, will there be actual romance, or just women going after Natsu and him refusing all of them? For example, will Natsu and Ultear, the main pairing get together ever?
10/31/2024 c25 Guest
I'm curious about what Jellal is really up to and whether he'll be a friend or an enemy.
10/31/2024 c25 The great hwuan
Happy Halloween
10/31/2024 c25 7darkchannel30
Yukino is so cute
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