Just In
for The X-Factor

9/16/2024 c1 lil26jay
This is interesting so far can't wait to read more of it.
9/15/2024 c1 Otsutsuki no Yami
nice start so far, but I hope you wont limit Naruto with only running. hos thought process is quicker and most speedsters are highly intelligence. As for Speedster, I hope you add more like close combat, because fast is fast and I hope you wont force Naruto to first create speed by running. Naruto is capable to become the strongest just by speed, quick draw with guns, or catching bullets out of the air. or quick draw blades, knives, shurikens etc

but the biggest weakness to a speedster is the plot twists and the writer. so I hope everything work out fine. Is naruto a combi between Flash DC and Quicksilver Marvel?
9/15/2024 c1 xXwolfsterXx644
Great start dude definitely Can't wait for the next update
9/15/2024 c1 Alexander4443
Great chapter
9/15/2024 c1 6KaiserNova
I would prefer if you put Jean with scott and pair naruto with someone like Psylocke.

The grey summers family is a mess and naruto would have better luck not sticking his nose in there.
Also if you don't put naruto with rogue include gambit, Romy is my favorite cómic couple
9/15/2024 c1 1Fan1one
For the first chapter is shows great promise want to continue to read about this story. It really shows that you have a great imagination.

More chapter, more updates.
9/15/2024 c1 1NaruLemon Stories
Flash, will he learn to use infinite mass punch in future
Awesome story btw
9/15/2024 c1 SlyFox9
Not bad. I like it so far. It’s been so long since I’ve seen X-men evolution since I was a kid. Man those were the days when cartoons were actually good.
Anyway I don’t watch much superhero shows these days, so I’m going to need to do some catch up so I can understand and remember the X-men characters and plots.

Anyway keep up the good work. Also please don’t go overboard with the number of girls that are going to be part of Naruto’s harem. At least make sure to give them time so their bonds to develop before we can rush into something more romantic.
9/15/2024 c1 15NinjaFang1331
Great work with the first chapter
9/15/2024 c1 FoxDemon1023
It's been awhile since anyone posted/updated a Naruto/X-Men Evolution crossover. I hope you can continue it
9/15/2024 c1 1sten227
great work naruto being the first would be interesting will he have speed force too?
9/15/2024 c1 tanquihuynh74
Godspeed please name him Godspeed
Oh and if you ever make him a new suit please cross 2 lightning bolt together to make an X that would be cool.
9/15/2024 c1 God of Wind 200
Love it already but my question is what will be Naruto’s code name Godspeed impulse or Zoom ?
9/14/2024 c1 Shadow5
Amazing chapter
9/14/2024 c1 35ScorcheD34th
you have my attention with this one
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