Just In
for A Young Girl's War Between the Stars

11h c5 Guest
Have you thought of uploading this to spacebattles? Theres a pretty big youjo senki community there
11/24 c5 1AiyaKnight
i love this. its inspiring really. it really feels like a si.
11/24 c5 Guest
Oh, this is a fun one. I’m enjoying seeing the dynamics as you have them a handful of years *before* the prequel trilogy. Why do I feel like this fall is going to delay her until after the entrance freezes over? I’m really looking forwards to the next chapter(s)!
11/21 c5 b266
Definitely liking this so far. I enjoy seeing what you do with Tanya. I don't have anything else to say.
11/20 c5 Ep
Bonne continuation
11/14 c4 Guest
Tanya getting her own starfighter when?
11/13 c5 MKXMegasXLR
11/11 c5 heathnino
Please update
11/9 c5 Ranmayamabushi
Very enjoyable thanks for sharing, looking forward to seeing more
11/8 c5 2kishinokurobi
I'm really excited to find this story, I can't wait to see any updates!
11/4 c4 1The Dark Sapphire
Bruh, why was Obi-wan gender swapped? Like, just use another character at that point.
11/4 c2 The Dark Sapphire
When it comes to the Tanya fandom, 9/10 times, the fanfic is great. A way higher percentage than literally any other fandom. Im really enjoying this so far!
11/4 c5 alone shadow dream
Good story so far
11/4 c5 heathnino
I hope you keep updateing
11/3 c5 1Joepart5
This was so much fun to read! Cant wait for more!
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