Just In
for A Young Girl's War Between the Stars

6h c21 1malinkody
This story is coming along really well. Love the way you portray the different charachters. Thank you for the update. Looking forward to Tanya as a pseudo mandalorian.
6h c18 Anon
Chapter 19 is missing from here. Also the story was deleted from Royal Road
12h c21 Not another me
Great chapter.
This Tanya you're writing is really patient. I thought she would've strongly disagree (or feel offended) witb the amount of bs Satin was feeding her, yet she remained calmed and cordial.
15h c21 Rein Tenebres
Hmm indeed
15h c21 MKXMegasXLR
17h c21 captaindickscratcher
Be funny if Tanya has multiple Sith and Jedi holocrons all listening to her pick apart their philosophy and they're saying " shit! she's right! "

The Skipray only has a class 2 hyperdrive , shouldn't be too hard to get it to a class 1 or even slightly higher. Seeing as she's often likes to travel alone or doing solo missions linking multiple droid brains into the ships systems would reduce workload during combat and allow for remote piloting similar to Luthan's ship.
18h c21 2danj0929
i have also seen the peace is a lie line as a dig at the jedi for keeping their emotions in check their inner peace
21h c21 west555
good chapter
22h c21 1Archangel Xireon Chaos God
The Verses could've been a little cleaner, but the general meaning was delivered. Well done.
23h c21 kamikazekobolds147
I feel like Satine was projecting a lot in this chapter, lol. And the thing with Obi Wan seems less because she's a woman and more because she's a teenager, so I worry Tanya might have gotten the wrong message there. But either way, their little hang out with Satine will be hilarious, especially once Obi finds out that Tanya got adopted by the Mandalorians.
2/18 c18 2Rubia97
nvm i just had to delete all 1300 stories ive downloaded to read the update
2/18 c21 Derelict Mirror
Making your own version to reconcile a Jedi and Sith code is a very easy way to get cringey or a disrespectful take on canon. I suspect Tanya is just doing Tanya stuff so it’ll be fine. Besides, it’s war time :)
2/18 c18 3maskedkeeper
noooooooooooooooo... dont make Tanya jealous. Tayna can have friend and that is a stretch because of their personality. Never saw how people saw or read tanya and somehow jump to them acting like a blushing lesbian. So hope tanya is just jealous in a "my friend isn't hanging out with me" kind of way
2/18 c17 2Rubia97
did you delete the chapters?
2/18 c21 1Deus Terran
Would be cool to see tanya wrestle with extra codes like the old code and revans
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