Just In
for A Young Girl's War Between the Stars

1/15 c14 Gunther Konig
Tanya's kill count is easily into the multiple thousands if you count all kills.
Triple digits is for mage kills.
1/15 c14 west555
good chapter, keep it up.
1/15 c14 1svenijsselsteijn
thanks for the chapter
1/15 c14 91TMI Fairy
"In your vision Tanya was dressed all in black? Did she have dark make up too? Many girls go through such a phase ... "
" ... your knowledge astonishes me!"
1/14 c8 Joepart5
What jusr happened to all the chapters
1/14 c14 ItsTato
Dressed like a sith?
Will it have something do with count dooku? I would imagine it probably would?

great chapter as always!
Love this story.
1/14 c14 Romodhg
Thanks for the new chapter. This is one of the fics I read ass soon as I see the update notifcation.
1/14 c13 MSPain
I love this story so much! The only thing i havent liked so far is the genderbent Obi cause girl obi just doesnt fit
1/14 c14 Endragora
I just remembered that Obi-Wan is a girl now... would Anakin view her as a sister or fall for her instead of Padme?
1/13 c13 bowenjones12
I’m praying that visha somehow returns it would be a great reunion
1/13 c13 Commenter X
One of the best stories of its type I've read, and I really appreciate the frequent uploads. Practically every day feels like a treat with it!
1/13 c13 Guest
1/12 c13 west555
good chapter
1/12 c13 1svenijsselsteijn
love the fic
1/12 c13 Joepart5
I love it when her past bleeds over onto the present
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