Just In
for A Young Girl's War Between the Stars

1/11 c12 evymel
Ahahah paranoia about the demon!
Wonderful chapter!
1/11 c12 2kishinokurobi
"Some people feel guilt when they kill others." "Oh? That's not very efficient. They should work on that." lol love our little psycho!
1/11 c10 evymel
I get that computational orbs require math, there could be several Jedi far superior to Tanya though with the usage

Arkanians, the Givins, have bigger brains Givins ships don’t have navigation for hyperspace because they calculate it in their heads for example…

Might be interesting to see what can a Givin Jedi if there are any can do with an orb
1/11 c9 evymel
Technically with such cutting edge machines with such precision she could create more sophisticated designs, unfortunately the jump from four clockwork computers to eight orcsixteen is exponential… possible and probably should be given to a computer to design
1/11 c8 evymel
Dooku you sly dog
1/11 c4 evymel
Oh nice, gender swapped just for Tanya’s tastes, she might sample them this time
1/9 c11 1Jctherebel
So the plot thickens!
1/9 c11 west555
good chap
1/9 c11 Guest
1/9 c11 2kishinokurobi
Thanks for another great chapter, these help right now.
1/9 c11 Romodhg
Whoo! I love this fic. My favorite parts are where you explore her previous abilitys and the tyana perspective viewing of the galixy far away. Excited to see if tyana gets inducted into the mando ways. Its the best when inserts to the universe mix and match the best the universe has to offer of both trainibg and gear.
1/9 c11 91TMI Fairy
Mandalorians? Amoral, ruithless but efficient murders for hire. Make yakuza look like schoolchildren.
"Obi smiled and leaned upon the desk" - my mind went into the gutter and had her flash her decolettage ...
1/9 c11 Romodhg
Whoo! I love this fic. My favorite parts are where you explore her previous abilitys and the tyana perspective viewing of the galixy far away. Excited to see if tyana gets inducted into the mando ways. Its the best when inserts to the universe mix and match the best the universe has to offer of both trainibg and gear.
1/9 c11 8Maxxus Herald
So, I noticed that you never actually mention what the gift Tanya gave to Obi-Wan is. Since Obi's bangs cover it up, is it something that goes on the forehead? Some sort of sci-fi/fantasy reusable fake tattoo? Some sort of colored hair extension? I assume it's spider or web shaped, based on the clan the Nightsister was from?

I would have guessed some sort of brow piercing, but I have no idea how long you've made Obi-Wan's hair as it's been a while since it was mentioned. Probably an issue of reading chapters as they update rather than your writing itself, but something to look in to. Anyway, as a result my mental image doesn't have her bangs reaching her brow, so a brow piercing didn't cross my mind until I'd taken a few minutes to think about it.
1/8 c10 91TMI Fairy
Dooku unconcewrned that his underage Padawan is a ruthless killer?
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