Just In
for A Young Girl's War Between the Stars

1/24 c17 Chronolocked
its honestly nice to see Tanya actually accepting her battle maniac side in this.

Also could see Tanya later on being a co leader of Mandalor if the clone wars was to be happening as it was.
1/24 c17 2kishinokurobi
Cue the goddamn theme song LOL! Can't wait for next chapter!
1/24 c17 1RavensBloodstone
So good. I hate your cliff hangers btw
1/24 c17 cassnova5424
let us all have a moment of silence for the poor souls that invited the Devil into their midst.

Anyone else use that moment to grab popcorn?
1/24 c17 1Jctherebel
Behold a pale horse. Very good chapter
1/24 c17 projectzeus7
please tell me i ain't the only one cackling bye the end there?
1/24 c17 3proverbsrus
"She is... a Monster in the form of a Little Girl." Erich von Rerugen

Youjo Senki OST - "Young Girls War Saga" INTENSIFIES!
1/24 c17 1Ace of Hate
There is no "Overkill", only "Open fire" and "Reload". Except Tanya doesn't have to reload. I also hope she spares, or at least renders Bo Katan unable to do anything without killing her.
1/24 c17 Marquis Sanguine
Jingo Jungle intensifies
1/24 c17 MSPain
That was a beautiful end to that chapter the next one is going to be so fun~
1/24 c17 Endragora
"Do you have a visa?"

*Tor shoots at Tanya, who blocks the shot with Bo.*

"No visa?"
1/24 c17 west555
Awesome chapter!
1/24 c17 1Archangel Xireon Chaos God
oh yesh heee is fffucked. they're ahhll Fucked XD.
1/24 c17 damienfoxy
fuck yeah, kill them all.
1/24 c17 Derelict Mirror
Tanya at last embracing her violent nature is terrifying. Those poor Mandalorians.
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