11/4/2024 c14 cameron1812
Awesome Christmas chapter! A mix of lightness with a touch of Greengrass intrigue!
Awesome Christmas chapter! A mix of lightness with a touch of Greengrass intrigue!
11/3/2024 c14
I don't recall much about Lord Greengrass from the earlier version. I guess he wasn't real memorable. Harry ought to try to set up Michael with Tonks, that would be funny.

I don't recall much about Lord Greengrass from the earlier version. I guess he wasn't real memorable. Harry ought to try to set up Michael with Tonks, that would be funny.
11/3/2024 c14
and caught up. this is way better than the original. i love the pacing and, in my opinion, vastly better Michael

and caught up. this is way better than the original. i love the pacing and, in my opinion, vastly better Michael
11/3/2024 c13
The problem is that the bludgers were a momentary distraction. Quirrell had plenty of time to act again. So Harry got his kiss - lucky him. I hope to hear how Malfoy's night went, especially if it is as unpleasant as he deserves.

The problem is that the bludgers were a momentary distraction. Quirrell had plenty of time to act again. So Harry got his kiss - lucky him. I hope to hear how Malfoy's night went, especially if it is as unpleasant as he deserves.
11/3/2024 c1 soccer13boy13
Hey love this so far. Just wondering, you said a chapter a day for the first 21 days, so after that do you have a specific release plan? Or is it ss the chapters finish? Not trying to be demanding, I'm just curious is all
Hey love this so far. Just wondering, you said a chapter a day for the first 21 days, so after that do you have a specific release plan? Or is it ss the chapters finish? Not trying to be demanding, I'm just curious is all
11/1/2024 c12 marcelonot9
Hi, I read your original story a long time ago and it was one of my favorites! When I saw that a remake was being made, I was very happy. In fact, it's very good so far, congratulations! I think I still prefer Harry's personality from the first version, his transformation during the story is incredible! In this one I feel that he is already more mature and I want to see how he will have this transformation, if it is necessary! efim! great work! Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language.
Hi, I read your original story a long time ago and it was one of my favorites! When I saw that a remake was being made, I was very happy. In fact, it's very good so far, congratulations! I think I still prefer Harry's personality from the first version, his transformation during the story is incredible! In this one I feel that he is already more mature and I want to see how he will have this transformation, if it is necessary! efim! great work! Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language.
11/1/2024 c12 CaskettFan5
I remember this now, I'm so glad you didn't go in the 'damsel in distress' direction as that isn't Daphne (IMHO). However, you do seem to be going a little faster this time, I recall Daphne not giving any hints for longer than this. I might be wrong though, it's been years. I love how you ended the chapter, getting a chance to annoy Draco just makes it even better.
As for splitting the story or not, that's completely up to you. I'm fine either way.
I remember this now, I'm so glad you didn't go in the 'damsel in distress' direction as that isn't Daphne (IMHO). However, you do seem to be going a little faster this time, I recall Daphne not giving any hints for longer than this. I might be wrong though, it's been years. I love how you ended the chapter, getting a chance to annoy Draco just makes it even better.
As for splitting the story or not, that's completely up to you. I'm fine either way.
11/1/2024 c1 bdwilliams3
Happy you are back! And never apologize, you owe us readers nothing. And good luck!
Happy you are back! And never apologize, you owe us readers nothing. And good luck!
11/1/2024 c12 Guest
Whatever you do, please don't write that incredibly pointless and contrived Corner/Bones/Boot situation.
Whatever you do, please don't write that incredibly pointless and contrived Corner/Bones/Boot situation.
10/31/2024 c12 Romedov
Hi! I immensely enjoy your work! Thank you so much for it! I think dividing the story into 4 books would be great.
Hi! I immensely enjoy your work! Thank you so much for it! I think dividing the story into 4 books would be great.
10/31/2024 c12 gigamans57
Fudge is a little over-the-top unhinged here. The whole thing seems really forced..? I don't even understand why the Dementors are there tbh.
He attacks Dumbledore and Harry in canon because he believes they're trying to have him thrown out when they go to HIM with the news that Voldemort is back. THEN he starts attacking them. Here he just starts antagonising Dumbledore for... reasons? I don't get why he's doing it.
I like this story idea I just have a lot of trouble with the finer details.
Fudge is a little over-the-top unhinged here. The whole thing seems really forced..? I don't even understand why the Dementors are there tbh.
He attacks Dumbledore and Harry in canon because he believes they're trying to have him thrown out when they go to HIM with the news that Voldemort is back. THEN he starts attacking them. Here he just starts antagonising Dumbledore for... reasons? I don't get why he's doing it.
I like this story idea I just have a lot of trouble with the finer details.