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for Harry Black Book 1: The Hero Returns (Definitive Edition)

10/31/2024 c11 cameron1812
A brilliant chapter. Harry can't help being Harry! Thank you for staying true to the character:)
10/31/2024 c11 bigwoof
great story.. thanks!
10/30/2024 c11 2ghosttown66
perfect chapter. pushing so much in one and still not overdone it. i love the story so far so keep up thecgreat job
10/30/2024 c11 10CaskettFan5
I agree the HarryxDaphne and Astoria and Daphne was great but don't forget Harry and Astoria. I like the weird bond they've formed. Plus, he really can't seem to keep a secret around her to save his life. Harry has no prior experience to tell him how much rule breaking he can get away with at Hogwarts. I don't think he has come close to that line yet. :)
10/30/2024 c10 Anee-1
Harry knows a thing that possessed and killed a girl last year is currently affecting Sirius, who is acting crazy, and he DOESN'T tell Dumbles? Sorry. No. That's absolutely ridiculous. I recommend removing the segment involving Kreacher where he was told about this and spoke to Sirius. He's just been told and seen his godfather's life is at risk, and you have him barely care? You've lost it.
10/29/2024 c10 CaskettFan5
I think this chapter could have used at least a cameo by Daphne. Harry seems to be taking Sirius' situation less seriously than I would have thought. I hope you don't plan to make him regret it.
10/29/2024 c9 Fenrir070
Really enjoying the changes you've made and H/D has always been a favorite pairing of mine so you got that going for you right off the bat. Also liking the mystery of the "lost patronus" and how Voldy has been there for three years as I've never seen that done before. Thanks for writing and posting.
10/29/2024 c9 whiteoaks
Excellent, as usual.
10/29/2024 c2 Fenrir070
After reading the first two chapters you've definitely caught my attention. I'm liking where you're going so far and the way you've developed the characters beyond their canon personalities. I'll be looking forward to seeing what further changes you've made. Thanks for writing and posting.
10/29/2024 c8 Smutley Do-Wrong
Guess if smashes into the turf at 100 to 125 mph, maybe he'll trigger a Florence Nightingale affect on Daphne, caring for him do to all the taking care of him needed...then onto a romance (** said, with sarcasm, seen in R.L. **, women sucked back into withering relationships )

Draco spilling some Daphne beans, should have Harry trying to get more details.
Hmm, he does have an invisibility cloak.

Maybe he should apologize to Daphne for bothering her, then totally shun her.
That should test Daphne's ice cold mettle metal facade.
Harry "walking away", means watch him "walk away", or pursue him in fear of losing him (problem of Harry POV, no Daphne POV, it really handicaps a story. Really, a single POV romance is a relationship, that on page, is truly one sided, literally, told for readers by one sided POV.

Fic reminds me of the lack of fanfics, as protest against so many ice bitch* Daphnes, for Astoria-Harry, or more so, Tracy-Harry, with on the outside looking back, Daphne with regrets of what she coulda shoulda woulda had, if not for being such a pompous bitch.

*I concede, this fic's Daphne, is orders of magnitude under past decades SOP, usual Ice Bitch Daphne character portrayals.
10/28/2024 c9 moodyboy66
Lve the new chapters
10/28/2024 c9 CaskettFan5
Like I said, pulling things from all over. LOL I like how you make them non-canon though. For example, Fang wasn't totally useless this time. Too bad Harry didn't get injured, he could have visited his private healer again. :)
10/28/2024 c9 gigamans57
I'm just going to gloss over the blatant canon railroading I guess, it's still good just... why
10/28/2024 c9 highlander348
I kind of miss Astoria’s point of view. Perhaps on occasion you can show her thoughts. :)
10/27/2024 c6 Slytherin Potter
Harry and Michael friendship has me grinning like mad they are literally two peas in a pod. I also like how Harry took Astoria on like an overprotective deer to fend off any dangers.

Albus statement to Fudge about Hogwarts being the safest place ever, but Ginny Weasley still did somehow die is kind of ironic is it not. Snape getting his just desserts is always great to see... good to know Harry did not back down one bit. Looks like Ron is a lot angrier with the world with his sister dying cannot blame him one bit, its sad really.
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