2/2 c5 freedomringer
I know how this will sound, but know that I ask this for the sake of funny shenanigans and not wanting horniness. You've basically set up these past 5 chapters three things.
1) pokephilia exists
2) you've foreshadowed it being a huge part of your story because not only did you start off with it, but it's in the summary
3) you never specified Mankey's gender.
When Cobalt gets Aura, imagine him finding out that throughout the journey not only was Mankey a female, but also got a crush on him. Hilarity ensues. I mean if you're gonna push pokephilia comedically from before even the first chapter, then I expect a damn good punchline to laugh at
I know how this will sound, but know that I ask this for the sake of funny shenanigans and not wanting horniness. You've basically set up these past 5 chapters three things.
1) pokephilia exists
2) you've foreshadowed it being a huge part of your story because not only did you start off with it, but it's in the summary
3) you never specified Mankey's gender.
When Cobalt gets Aura, imagine him finding out that throughout the journey not only was Mankey a female, but also got a crush on him. Hilarity ensues. I mean if you're gonna push pokephilia comedically from before even the first chapter, then I expect a damn good punchline to laugh at
2/2 c4 freedomringer
The sort of interaction between the two of them is awesome. I love it and it's funny
The sort of interaction between the two of them is awesome. I love it and it's funny
2/2 c3 freedomringer
Lol he's gonna be scrubbing that wall for hours and forget to get Kong out of the fire, pin fully intended
Lol he's gonna be scrubbing that wall for hours and forget to get Kong out of the fire, pin fully intended
2/2 c2 freedomringer
Honestly I would love to see Colbalt publish a poke research paper on Pokemon nutrition and it's affects on training. As well as EVs which from my understanding is what would pokemon help with what stats when training. Translating them into the world wouldn't be too hard. Ponyta gives speed EVs makes sense because it's a fast pokemon and to beat it you have to basically train your speed
Honestly I would love to see Colbalt publish a poke research paper on Pokemon nutrition and it's affects on training. As well as EVs which from my understanding is what would pokemon help with what stats when training. Translating them into the world wouldn't be too hard. Ponyta gives speed EVs makes sense because it's a fast pokemon and to beat it you have to basically train your speed
1/31 c6
Your dialogue is so good. I'm hoping something goes hella wrong soon, just to add some conflict/tension into the story.

Your dialogue is so good. I'm hoping something goes hella wrong soon, just to add some conflict/tension into the story.
1/24 c6 Crywolf178
Poor cobalt, the hex girl was going to be hard enough to escape before hand now she knows he is actually used to ghost types and ghost specialists… he will never escape here now.
Poor cobalt, the hex girl was going to be hard enough to escape before hand now she knows he is actually used to ghost types and ghost specialists… he will never escape here now.
1/24 c5 Crywolf178
I really enjoy their interactions so far and look forward to seeing how this whole training plan works out.
I really enjoy their interactions so far and look forward to seeing how this whole training plan works out.
1/12 c6 Guest
Kong: Fuck this shit I'm out.
Kong: Fuck this shit I'm out.
1/12 c6 Littleguyspirit
Nice chapter, not sure the Ghost Specialist Degenerate stereotype was needed but regardless I'm curious for next chapter
Nice chapter, not sure the Ghost Specialist Degenerate stereotype was needed but regardless I'm curious for next chapter