Just In
for A Different Kind of Strength

3h c16 Guest
Author try not to give up on this story
2/15 c16 Redangel14
she knows everything
2/15 c13 Redangel14
She knows everything
2/14 c16 RKF22
Love the slow development between Gohan and Cellira
2/13 c1 Orcistia
Absolutely loved A Different Kind of Strength! The way you built the tension between Cellera's Saiyan instincts and her internal conflict regarding her father's brutal methods, and the subtle hints of her mother's influence, was incredible. It made the story so engaging and immersive!

The only thing I felt could make it even better is more creative visuals to enhance the experience. As a comic artist, I'd love to help bring this story to life visually! Especially the scenes on Arlia and the moments highlighting Cellera's internal struggle and the flashbacks to her mother.

You can reach me on Discord: Orcustigium if you're interested. Keep up the amazing work!
2/11 c15 RKF22
2/7 c13 2SuperSonicBros123
And now they're all getting ready to deal with the Androids. Can't wait to see the next chapter. It would be nice to see more of Cellera's time with not only training with Gohan, Goku and Piccolo (as well as hopefully help Gohan become a Super Saiyan), but as well as reconnecting with her father (even in his own way).
2/5 c14 4desifan
Hey did you reupload this chapter?
2/5 c2 2danj0929
awesome chap enhoyed it a lot i think i am starting to get an idea for who cellera is as a person goku knowing she isn't as bad as she thinks at first glance yup yup makes sense but also just in case you are not aware you have a couple of repeating paragraphs in this chapter 3 of them i think it wasn't terrible just through off the flow of the story thats all thank you for the amazing chapter
2/5 c13 Redangel14
Cellera meets her future brother
2/5 c9 Redangel14
She sees Bulma as her mother
2/4 c7 Redangel14
how does she know about Beerus
2/4 c1 Redangel14
Cellera tries to be the voice of reason but it doesn’t work. are you still working on this story and will it go up to Daime or Super
1/31 c13 Guest
Try not to abandoned your stories
1/31 c13 Guest
I look forward to knowing what Cellera in Trunks is like
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