Just In
for The Kiss of Fate

1/1/2006 c9 Omoi
Hey ! This is really great , cant you update?
11/8/2003 c9 10Koishii Sweet
Yea! Who is that guy?
11/7/2003 c9 shi583
Maybe you'll do an unexpected twist and make it someone else instead of Kenshin! Joking, You updated! Yay!
11/7/2003 c9 noner89
plz update soon
11/7/2003 c9 Woodae
i love it!...
10/11/2003 c8 noner89
plz update
10/1/2003 c8 Setine
Its cute! The suspense is killing me!
10/1/2003 c8 28Uenki
Continue ! :D:D:D:D

I love it ! :D:D
9/30/2003 c8 anime11368
update soon please!I want to know what happen next so you better hurry up.
9/27/2003 c7 2BelleLunelle
please conyinue
9/19/2003 c7 11roses in bloom
Yay! I love it! Please update...soon.
9/16/2003 c7 shi583
Confusing, but I got the main idea...well sort of.
9/6/2003 c7 lilk0k0
O.O what happens? good story! keep it up.. update soon! XPP
9/6/2003 c7 animelover
I can't wait to read the next chapter. MAke it long this time. I hope kaoru tells everyone what Megume really is before it's too late.
9/1/2003 c6 Friend of InuYashaKagome
AAh! You shouldn't stop in the middle like that! Now I'm hanging from a cliff! PLEASE UPDATE SO I CAN PULL MYSELF UP!
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