11/7/2003 c9 shi583
Maybe you'll do an unexpected twist and make it someone else instead of Kenshin! Joking, You updated! Yay!
Maybe you'll do an unexpected twist and make it someone else instead of Kenshin! Joking, You updated! Yay!
11/7/2003 c9 noner89
plz update soon
plz update soon
10/11/2003 c8 noner89
plz update
plz update
9/30/2003 c8 anime11368
update soon please!I want to know what happen next so you better hurry up.
update soon please!I want to know what happen next so you better hurry up.
9/6/2003 c7 lilk0k0
O.O what happens? good story! keep it up.. update soon! XPP
O.O what happens? good story! keep it up.. update soon! XPP
9/6/2003 c7 animelover
I can't wait to read the next chapter. MAke it long this time. I hope kaoru tells everyone what Megume really is before it's too late.
I can't wait to read the next chapter. MAke it long this time. I hope kaoru tells everyone what Megume really is before it's too late.
9/1/2003 c6 Friend of InuYashaKagome
AAh! You shouldn't stop in the middle like that! Now I'm hanging from a cliff! PLEASE UPDATE SO I CAN PULL MYSELF UP!
AAh! You shouldn't stop in the middle like that! Now I'm hanging from a cliff! PLEASE UPDATE SO I CAN PULL MYSELF UP!