Just In
for Another Finacee!

11/2/2007 c3 6Voice of the Mist
i can't wait for the next chapter, UPDATE!
8/5/2005 c3 ananglelife not loged in
1/30/2005 c3 snapdrag21
Well. . . I know you haven't updated this in over a year. . . but I know you're still writing cuz you updated other stories, so I think you should continue this! It's a great story and you really need to continue it!

$^_^$ Hannah $^_^$
4/13/2004 c3 someone
really good so far please continue! and it's really funny. r u going to make kyosuke a fighter or something? that would be neat.
3/31/2004 c3 shampoo fan2
Is good story. Can't wait for next chappie!
3/15/2004 c3 AmayaSaria
continue soon! its a great story so far!
2/21/2004 c3 Last Knight Thomas
Hey, this is a good story and all, but is it a R/A fic? Ah, well. I'll just have to read it to find out, eh? *wink*
12/23/2003 c1 4honeymoonspiders
Um... what the hell is a finacee? Do you mean fiancee? Well duh... finacee... *snickers*
12/13/2003 c3 6Dreamer Wolf
"Let’s see how you act Ranma when the shoe is on the other foot."
Good for her.
12/2/2003 c3 3niccw55
Plz continue, I want to see what happens next
11/23/2003 c3 Akane
Hey! I love your story! I can't wait to find out what Ranma's reaction would be when akane tries to make him jealous! ^_^ I hope he admits his feelings to her soon! Well... Keep it up! Update soon! I'll review again for the upcoming chapters. ^_~

Akane... ^_^
11/6/2003 c3 luna86
hay make ranma get mad!

what is up with him telling her he loves her when he makes her cry? well it was god in other words ^.^
10/26/2003 c3 Nikka
Mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Bring on the flirting!
10/25/2003 c3 11halliegirl
So far I like this story. Except that you seem to pick the worst times to end it! *cries* Oh well, I do that too.

But I really like the idea of Akane getting the other fiance for once. It serves Ranma right! ^^

See ya next time you update.
10/25/2003 c3 12puppiescute a.k.a. Mic Mic
You must I say must update soon! ^_^
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