Just In
for You Go Down

7/8/2012 c1 Anjanie
Are you going furthher?
2/18/2012 c1 Denna Tejat
Hehehe, nice story! I find it funny, but I'm just weird like that... hm, update please?
4/14/2009 c1 1Miss Jester61
it's kinded cute that tyson all worried about the class and the romars. hope you do a ch. 2
3/3/2008 c1 19kutoki
i can't wait for the next chapter! ^^
8/1/2006 c1 anonymous
4/4/2006 c1 13Ashla
Heehee, nice start :D Can't wait to see where this goes ^^

Slán slán!

3/26/2006 c1 iamkagomeiloveinuyasha
10/12/2005 c1 anonymous
good start. more please!
9/5/2005 c1 3Ryukai-chan
wait there isn't more yet? wheres the rest more! i need more!
8/6/2005 c1 8KaiFucker69
hey dud. i know your there because you have other fics that your working on. i wish you would get your head out of the clouds and update this fic. i'm getting restlest and i'm tempted to go into my kai mode. you really don't want that. belive me.

so do us all a faver... and update


really obsessed tyka fan. and i me really.
8/2/2005 c1 skimmie
love the story update would love to no whats up next
7/29/2005 c1 2IchikoKitsuneKoumori
*smirks* poor Tyson!
7/18/2005 c1 21Kai's the Best
really interesting. i liked it. keep up the good work n plz update soon
4/23/2005 c1 16Cryysis
thats good, make another chappy for that and update it, please? *maxs puppy eyes* well, i gtg, later!
3/18/2005 c1 MAB LuvR
Y DA FACK HAVE U NOT UPADTED YET? this story is really good n u leaving at a cliffie like that is something i DO NOT njoy. there is also the fact that u've basicly had over A YEAR N A HALF to update! ;_; PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ UPDATE SOON!
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