8/2/2012 c12
Oh poor Hermione when she got interrupted by the twins.
Yikes for the bit of info on Lucius/Pansy (poor Draco walking in on that).
I can't wait to see what happens next for Dramione!
Update soon!

Oh poor Hermione when she got interrupted by the twins.
Yikes for the bit of info on Lucius/Pansy (poor Draco walking in on that).
I can't wait to see what happens next for Dramione!
Update soon!
8/2/2012 c9 Dark-Supernatural-Angel
Oh dear, I knew once those words left his mouth that it was like a bucket of ice water on the moment.
I hope Draco will allow himself the opportunity to show Hermione his love while they are on their marriage mission.
Oh dear, I knew once those words left his mouth that it was like a bucket of ice water on the moment.
I hope Draco will allow himself the opportunity to show Hermione his love while they are on their marriage mission.
8/2/2012 c7 Dark-Supernatural-Angel
While it sucks that Hermione seems to have lost her friendships, I love when Draco supported her argument to them and when he comforted her when she started to cry. The comforting was just a great moment for Draco with Hermione.
Did I read that right? Draco is willing to get Hermione pregnant? Wow.
While it sucks that Hermione seems to have lost her friendships, I love when Draco supported her argument to them and when he comforted her when she started to cry. The comforting was just a great moment for Draco with Hermione.
Did I read that right? Draco is willing to get Hermione pregnant? Wow.
8/2/2012 c6 Dark-Supernatural-Angel
Oh poor Harry and Hermione; they finally had the guts to share their true feelings with each other and yet Draco ruins it with his shocking bombshell of news.
Oh poor Harry and Hermione; they finally had the guts to share their true feelings with each other and yet Draco ruins it with his shocking bombshell of news.
7/27/2009 c12 24kluvmelly
This is really good. Hermone and Draco should hook up in a few chpaters lol. Pst more. LOL Lots of love
This is really good. Hermone and Draco should hook up in a few chpaters lol. Pst more. LOL Lots of love
5/6/2009 c11
Omg I just read this story again and it's amazing. I'm sad you stopped writing it, I really wanted to see where it was going. Please update, even if u don't, hand it over to another author so they can lol. Loved it, hope somehow you find it again and continue...please...

Omg I just read this story again and it's amazing. I'm sad you stopped writing it, I really wanted to see where it was going. Please update, even if u don't, hand it over to another author so they can lol. Loved it, hope somehow you find it again and continue...please...
6/9/2007 c12
OMG! SO gud u have 2 keep writing! Pleez! I want 2 know wat happens. Soon!

OMG! SO gud u have 2 keep writing! Pleez! I want 2 know wat happens. Soon!