Just In
for Something

12/23/2003 c2 13Elfin Princess Prue
That was interesting differnet and random all at the same time. update soon I realy wanna read more of your randomness. and another thing you should never apologise 4 being random without it the world wud b boring
11/14/2003 c2 1Rocky Cloud11
Hey! I like they second chapter. I am not a big fan of HP though. I do like this good piece that you have written. It is very encouraging to me. I hope that you write more of the other one too. What was the book called that you were writing about? Well, I should read it. I hope that you keep writing because you are a fabulous writer.

~The Rocky One~
10/13/2003 c2 2Mugglebornwitch2
is the girl Ginny? That was great i just want to know who it was
10/10/2003 c1 23Crookykanks
Oh my gosh! Anna! This is so awesome! Um...Wow! KEEP WRITING!

~Jellybean & Crookykanks

^-^ (meow!)
10/4/2003 c1 13Elfin Princess Prue
I LOVE chicago and I LOVE your fic to
9/27/2003 c1 GUESS WHO
Hello! I didn't know that you wrote fanfics! well i guess you do! Well i really really REALLY like this one! IT IS SO GOOD! i didn't know that you could write so so so so so so so so good!(don't take that the wrong way b/c you were always good at writing!) Write more!

~Who am I~

p.s. if you don't know then...hint..JUST LIKE THE DIVER!...HEY!oh, and i don't like chicago
9/27/2003 c1 GUESS WHO
Hello! I didn't know that you wrote fanfics! well i guess you do! Well i really really REALLY like this one! IT IS SO GOOD! i didn't know that you could write so so so so so so so so good!(don't take that the wrong way b/c you were always good at writing!) Write more!

~Who am I~

p.s. if you don't know then...hint..JUST LIKE THE DIVER!...HEY!oh, and i don't like chicago
9/27/2003 c1 GUESS WHO
Hello! I didn't know that you wrote fanfics! well i guess you do! Well i really really REALLY like this one! IT IS SO GOOD! i didn't know that you could write so so so so so so so so good!(don't take that the wrong way b/c you were always good at writing!) Write more!

~Who am I~

p.s. if you don't know then...hint..JUST LIKE THE DIVER!...HEY!oh, and i don't like chicago
9/24/2003 c1 2Mugglebornwitch2
ok, you were right i don't! I really have to find that book .lol

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