6/24/2004 c12 Just Another Face in the Crowd
You let Merry live! My Pippin found the Palantir, oh-no! What sort of hobbit-angst are you thinking up? Hope it's the good type!
You let Merry live! My Pippin found the Palantir, oh-no! What sort of hobbit-angst are you thinking up? Hope it's the good type!
6/22/2004 c12 Joslin
As always...great chapter. You know whats sad though...the next chpater is the last one...or so that's what you said. Please update soon!
As always...great chapter. You know whats sad though...the next chpater is the last one...or so that's what you said. Please update soon!
6/14/2004 c12
What a great, wonderful story! For a second there i thought that merry was really going to die! Whew! That was a close one! Keep up the great stories!

What a great, wonderful story! For a second there i thought that merry was really going to die! Whew! That was a close one! Keep up the great stories!
6/13/2004 c12 IceEmber
Yay for Merry! ^_^ I'm sad your story is ending but I love it ^_^. Update soon plz!
~*Ice Ember*~
Yay for Merry! ^_^ I'm sad your story is ending but I love it ^_^. Update soon plz!
~*Ice Ember*~
6/11/2004 c12 Kira
I did indeed enjoy both the last chapter and this one, and I should've said so before. ^^ Pippin's monologue could use a few breaks, but overall a well done piece. I'm looking forward to the conclusion.
I did indeed enjoy both the last chapter and this one, and I should've said so before. ^^ Pippin's monologue could use a few breaks, but overall a well done piece. I'm looking forward to the conclusion.
6/8/2004 c12
5Pip Fraggle
Yay! Merry didn't die and everybody's happy. I loved that comment about Pippin giving lessons about stuborness to rocks and Merry to mules. That was cute.

Yay! Merry didn't die and everybody's happy. I loved that comment about Pippin giving lessons about stuborness to rocks and Merry to mules. That was cute.
6/7/2004 c12
15Craic agus Ceol
my hugses were designed to give away! *hugs merry* YAY he's not dead! YAY the palantir thingy was incorperated AGAIN! YAY there's a new chapter! YAY and it was a good chapter! wah but the next chapter might be the last one. o well. i STILL love the storyline, though!

my hugses were designed to give away! *hugs merry* YAY he's not dead! YAY the palantir thingy was incorperated AGAIN! YAY there's a new chapter! YAY and it was a good chapter! wah but the next chapter might be the last one. o well. i STILL love the storyline, though!
6/7/2004 c12 Marcee
I have REALLY loved this story from the start! Unfortunately, I failed to bookmark it and have been going crazy trying to find it again. So THANK YOU for posting an update so I could find it once again!
Merry is my favoritest of LOTR characters and I was quite a'grieved that he was hurt so by the orcs and Saruman. You kept him and the other characters so wonderfully in character throughout this story! I could really see Merry deciding that he'd HAVE to sacrifice himself to save the Quest. Poor, poor Merry to be forced to make such a horrible decision while looking down at his beloved Pippin after thinking him dead all this time!
Chapter 12 made me cry...what with each character's outward struggle to deal with losing their brave Merry. I was supposing that Merry's body had basically shut down after he had erected those walls to keep Saruman from learning the identity of the ringbearer. That Pippin was able to reach him when even Aragorn could not is a testament to the strong bond between the two hobbit cousins. Thank goodness for miracles and the power of love!
I'm looking forward to reading the last installment! I've been picturing Aragorn lovingly cradling a sleeping Merry against his chest as they race on horseback back to Edoras for the next leg of their adventure. Merry's wounds are probably far more emotional than physical, and I'm sure they cannot remain to allow Merry time to fully recover.
Keep up the GREAT work! And thanks for adding a wonderful "Merry" story for all of us to enjoy!
I have REALLY loved this story from the start! Unfortunately, I failed to bookmark it and have been going crazy trying to find it again. So THANK YOU for posting an update so I could find it once again!
Merry is my favoritest of LOTR characters and I was quite a'grieved that he was hurt so by the orcs and Saruman. You kept him and the other characters so wonderfully in character throughout this story! I could really see Merry deciding that he'd HAVE to sacrifice himself to save the Quest. Poor, poor Merry to be forced to make such a horrible decision while looking down at his beloved Pippin after thinking him dead all this time!
Chapter 12 made me cry...what with each character's outward struggle to deal with losing their brave Merry. I was supposing that Merry's body had basically shut down after he had erected those walls to keep Saruman from learning the identity of the ringbearer. That Pippin was able to reach him when even Aragorn could not is a testament to the strong bond between the two hobbit cousins. Thank goodness for miracles and the power of love!
I'm looking forward to reading the last installment! I've been picturing Aragorn lovingly cradling a sleeping Merry against his chest as they race on horseback back to Edoras for the next leg of their adventure. Merry's wounds are probably far more emotional than physical, and I'm sure they cannot remain to allow Merry time to fully recover.
Keep up the GREAT work! And thanks for adding a wonderful "Merry" story for all of us to enjoy!
6/7/2004 c12 Wanda
That chapter was so beautiful! Can't wait for the next chapter :) Update soon...
That chapter was so beautiful! Can't wait for the next chapter :) Update soon...
6/6/2004 c12
9Clever Hobbit
No, Pippin! Don't plan! Everything's going to be okay, so don't you dare plan to look at that stone!
Sorry, I felt a strong urge to castigate Pippin for that last thought. I'm so glad Merry's awake! Update soon!

No, Pippin! Don't plan! Everything's going to be okay, so don't you dare plan to look at that stone!
Sorry, I felt a strong urge to castigate Pippin for that last thought. I'm so glad Merry's awake! Update soon!
6/6/2004 c12
*sniff* very touching. i guess this is not the end,although i think it very well could be.

*sniff* very touching. i guess this is not the end,although i think it very well could be.
6/6/2004 c12
14Gohan Hug
*cries* We all know where this is going. :(
Oh well...Merry woke up! And Pip's speech helped him...that makes us happy.
You are now forgiven for any future crimes you shall do against pippin that involve the palantir, Earelwen.
Just kidding...but seriously...don't kill pippy...please? *puppy eyes*

*cries* We all know where this is going. :(
Oh well...Merry woke up! And Pip's speech helped him...that makes us happy.
You are now forgiven for any future crimes you shall do against pippin that involve the palantir, Earelwen.
Just kidding...but seriously...don't kill pippy...please? *puppy eyes*
6/6/2004 c12 Ruinwen
Thank you for reminding me about that i was begginning to get a little worried. i couldn't see any mistakes although i probably wouldn't have even if there were some lol (i rock!)
No that was an amazing end of the chapter and i loved merry's reactions to pip aw soo sweet arent they hehe
love Faile xx
and my lovely Perrin xx
Thank you for reminding me about that i was begginning to get a little worried. i couldn't see any mistakes although i probably wouldn't have even if there were some lol (i rock!)
No that was an amazing end of the chapter and i loved merry's reactions to pip aw soo sweet arent they hehe
love Faile xx
and my lovely Perrin xx
6/6/2004 c12 Rohan Shield Maiden
Great chapter. True, it probably is fun to try to kill hobbits. I should try it sometime...
Anyway, I hope you do make a harry potter fanfic, and ill read it! Hurry with the next chapter! Bye!
Great chapter. True, it probably is fun to try to kill hobbits. I should try it sometime...
Anyway, I hope you do make a harry potter fanfic, and ill read it! Hurry with the next chapter! Bye!
6/5/2004 c12 Nuts
Oh my goodness! I'm am litteraly baling my eyes out. That was amazing. All the goodbyes and then how you made legolas and gandalf cry. Wow! I don't know what else to say, just that was the saddest thing i have ever read. I like the spin on the plot there at the end. That was definetly worth waiting for.
Oh my goodness! I'm am litteraly baling my eyes out. That was amazing. All the goodbyes and then how you made legolas and gandalf cry. Wow! I don't know what else to say, just that was the saddest thing i have ever read. I like the spin on the plot there at the end. That was definetly worth waiting for.