Just In
for No Escape

5/30/2004 c11 Kira
"His clothes were soaked in blood and were shredded as if racked by claws. Long wheals ran across his back and chest and his arm and left leg lay at odd angles."

Raked by claws, and long weals. Just a little nitpick.
5/8/2004 c11 Yahiko
Thankyou so much for your kind..reply..thinggy. dude you realy scared me there at the end i thought Merry was actualy dead. evil writer so good atspinning tales scard the livin daylights outta me. don't ever do that again JK you can do whatever you want with it after all its your story. I can't waite for the next chapter! ^_^
5/4/2004 c11 Patty
My word, what a cliffhanger! You're absolutely right when you say your talent lies in writing angst. Poor Merry, poor Pip. My heart is pounding a mile a minute = MORE! = quickly please.
5/4/2004 c11 Samwise The Strong
Pippy to the rescue! Merry dies...Oh the sadness...Wait a minute. Is this my story or yours? I forget...Sorry.
Ur Samwise
5/3/2004 c11 2sincethelastday
I have only eight words for you...WRITE MORE BECAUSE MY LIFE DEPENDS ON YOUR STORY!
(oh,whoops...that's nine words...*sigh* it's been a long day.)
5/2/2004 c10 sincethelastday
That would be funny if Legolas smoked pipeweed! Great chapter! Merry must be terrified though.
5/2/2004 c9 sincethelastday
No! Poor, little Merry! And I thought Pippin had it rough...I was wrong! Go Pippin! Go Ents! Save Merry! Sorry...lost control.
5/2/2004 c8 sincethelastday
Very sorry that i have never reviewed. You see...I'm very lazy. But so far every single chapter you've written is wonderful. I mean I know it's not wonderful that Merry and Pippin are suffering and that Legolas is almost dead*sniffs* but you're story is defiantly on my favorite stories list.
5/1/2004 c1 sincethelastday
Poor Pippin and Merry!Running that long would sure leave me exhausted! Your story is great so far!
5/1/2004 c11 4Kriss Kay
i seriously thought that merry was dead.. great chapter! update soon! :)
~Kriss Kay, Keyblade n00b
4/28/2004 c11 mysticshill
Hey, I've loved the last few chapters! Sorry, I didn't review all of them but I've been away so I read them all at once! Great work and I'm looking forward to more.
4/28/2004 c11 15Craic agus Ceol
EEP! for a second there, i honestly thought that merry was dead. silly me. update! i would give hugses, but i spent them all on elladan, elrohir, and pippin already. i promise i'll have merry hugses for the next chappie though!
4/27/2004 c11 14Gohan Hug
Aw...The Merry's hurt. :( That makes us sad.
;) Continue, I say!
4/27/2004 c11 IceEmber
T_T poor Merry! I think it's about time that we had a little Pippin torture. ^_^ he's my fav. Update soon plz!
~*Ice Ember*~
4/27/2004 c11 Joslin
AH! This story is so good . I need another chapter. Poor Merry and Pip.. I'm gonna crawl into a corner and stay there until another chp is put up! LOL!
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