Just In
for And Before Me.............

11/24/2001 c1 26Secret Staircase
I guess it's a bit short... but I think 'concise' would suit it better. It gets everything in, with very few words. Brilliant.
6/20/2001 c1 3RavenLady
That was really good for something so short. I like it short, actually. Really succinct (sp?). Out of curiousity, what was the challenge? I'm guessing one of the requirements was about horticulture, since that last line was a bit random... :-)
4/14/2001 c1 4K Nighthawk
I don't completely understand this one...
2/4/2001 c1 63Trinity Day
It's been done, yes, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't have written this. It was very good. I rather liked the simple yet powerful images and emotions in this story. Excellent job.
1/19/2001 c1 Andrew
Hilarious! ' "Bob's Horticulture Centre". It is irrelevant. ' Good stuff Rosemary. Keep it up!
1/9/2001 c1 1Qwyneth
Hmmm...good. Not as powerful as it could have been, but hey-you were dealing with 100 words here. ^_^ I do like the part with the sign...nice imagery.
1/3/2001 c1 3Sirius1
12/31/2000 c1 BekaWashu
Woah! Cool story^^ Nice one. This was really good.
12/30/2000 c1 Erin
Yo yo waz up? Luv ya story! it's um cool.. I guess don't really get it but ya um ok ANYWAYS to the point well done!

12/29/2000 c1 11Lunamew
... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. .. . . . . . .
12/29/2000 c1 2Tigre
12/29/2000 c1 14Mandy2
Beautifully done.
12/29/2000 c1 25Lady Christina
Interesting use of horticulture in the fic.
12/29/2000 c1 59Sinical-Sarchasm
That was really good! I wish I could write that well. I am steadily loosing my hope that I may earn even an honorable mention in this contest. Oh well. Please r/r my entry? *looks hopeful* Anyway, have a nice day and keep writing!
12/29/2000 c1 Naru
This is good. Yep.
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