Just In
for Deeper than Indigo

2/7/2009 c4 1fried ryce
Woohoo! I can't wait to see how Hinata grows stronger. From the last chapter to this chapter, I was expecting her to take Tsunade's offer, but it was a welcomed surprise that she refused. ^.^ great job characterizing Hinata.

Update soon.


fried ryce
2/7/2009 c4 inadey
She is so gonna start to kick ass soon I can tell I hope she is a quick learner and shows everyone what she got can't wait till she has a mission and gets her daddy to feel better towards her.
10/17/2008 c3 creativesm75
cool. hinata should become a medic nin!
11/17/2007 c3 dragoon's revenge
Let off at a little cliff hanger there. I like how this story is flowing I just wonder how Hinata is going to train and be a med-nin with out her father stopping her. Please update. I'm to darn courious to know what is going to happen next.
9/14/2007 c3 1Mortarion77
Not bad keep going! Glad to see that not all the NaruHina fanfics are 1 chap long. :D
6/21/2007 c1 15Persephone Oswald Oleesen
O.O, good start. I like the idea of Hinata being a medical nin, I think that suits her better. You're doing a good job with both grammar and spelling, and I'm waiting patiently for the next chap. Keep it up!
4/29/2007 c3 fluff king
nice stuff. its all good and interesting to read i cant wat for the next chapter, keep in writing this tuff is great.
4/28/2007 c3 1VOTH
Wow, this is some really good writing. I'm sorry that you aren't continuing it, I would definitely follow it. It could use a few proofreads but excelent nonetheless.
2/9/2007 c3 Jigglypuff
I love the story! NaruHina is the best ever!
11/21/2006 c3 luckyazn1177
hey..u adding anymore chapters? this is really good..u should continue!
5/23/2006 c3 conan98002
pretty good
2/7/2006 c3 5Alien26
Hinata as a medic-nin? Never crossed my mind. I look forward to what happens next.
11/19/2005 c3 1mechman123
good story so far, but you need to update.
9/11/2005 c3 Yoh's girl
Please update T.Tplease?
8/12/2005 c3 3kazezero
Your interpretation of what happened after Hinata's fight with Neji is very interesting. I like how the storyline is going and I'm intrigued by Hinata's rare gift. I hope that you will release the next chapter soon since I really want to read the next chapter. I'm thinking that it might be interesting to see Naruto's thoughts on her being named useless as a member of the Hyuuga household. And maybe, the two of them start to get to know each other a little better cause I'm dying for you to mention him again. :)
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